I am interested in studying steady state reaction diffusion equations arising in mathematical biology and elliptic partial differential equations and systems.

Prof. Ratnasingham Shivaji was my advisor. I studied steady state reaction diffusion equations under   his direction. 

My current research focus is on studying the structure of positive solutions of steady state reaction diffusion equations which arise in ecology. Our studies include  logistic growth models,  weak Allee growth models, and grazing models where a parameter influences the equation as well as the boundary conditions. Many of the ecological research projects I worked on have been supported by my advisor's NSF grant. I am also interested in studying the existence multiplicity and uniqueness of positive solutions to elliptic partial differential equations and systems.

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical biology is the use of mathematical tools to study biological systems. Mathematical biology focuses on the mathematical representation and modeling of biological processes, using techniques and tools of applied mathematics. Describing systems in a quantitative manner means their behavior can be better studied, and hence properties can be predicted that might not be evident to the experimenter. This requires precise mathematical models. Mathematical biology employs many components of mathematics, and has contributed to the development of new techniques.  In particular, elliptic partial differential equations can be used to model the population density of a certain species living in a habitat surrounded by a hostile environment. These models can be studied and make predictions on  population persistence  and understand the effects of the matrix hostility on the steady states.

A weak Allee model arising in population dynamics 

A steady state reaction diffusion equation where a parameter influences the equation as well as the boundary conditions.

A grazing model arising in ecological systems 

A recent research work: An establishment of a Sigma-shaped bifurcation curve for a class of reaction-diffusion equations.

Conference Talks

Presenting a talk at JMM, Boston, MA, January 2023.

University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA (Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting - October 2022)

Presenting a talk at 38th SEARCDE, University of North Georgia, Gainesville, 2018
Presenting summer research work on "Singular reaction diffusion equations where the parameter influences the boundary"at UNCG, 2019 
Presenting a talk at AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November 2019.

Plenary Talks

Colloquium/Seminar Talks

Invited Talks

Contributed Talks

International Conference Talks


AMS March 2021.mp4

Presenting a talk at AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting (virtual), March 2021.


Presenting a talk at AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, November 2019.


Presenting a talk at 38th SEARCDE, University of North Georgia, Gainesville, October 2018

AMS Talk (1).mp4

Presenting a talk at AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting (virtual), October 2020.


Presenting a talk at AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting (virtual), October 2020.


Dr. Ratnasingham Shivaji 
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Dr. Byungjae Son
University OF Maine
Dr. Jerome Goddard
Auburn University at Montgomery
Dr. Quinn Morris 
Appalachian State University 
Dr. Yi Zhang
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Elliott Hollifield
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
 Dr. James  T.  Cronin
Louisiana State University
At AMS Annual Meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, January 2024.
At the 39th SEARCDE hosted by the Department of Mathematics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, 2019. 
At the 13th Annual Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2015


Refereed Publications

Manuscripts Submitted

Manuscripts in Preparation

Electronic files of some of the publications


Poster presentation SIAM – PD, March 2022.

A picnic after the the conference on Variational and Topological Methods: Theory, Applications, Numerical Simulations, and Open Problems, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 2018
At a dinner while attending the AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting,  Auburn University, Auburn, 2019