About Me

I am a researcher (PhD Candidate) at Sapienza university of Rome . My main focus is to combat the rising trends in Road Traffic accidents and to close the gaps observed, with the primary aim of reducing accidents, poverty and safeguarding human resources. I am an advocate for international development and prior to joining the research team of CTL (Centre of Transport and Logistics) Sapienza, I have worked with the infrastructure practice group of the World Bank, with the Ethiopia Transport unit, where with my team we design, supervise and implement a great variety of transport projects which are safe, smart and climate resilient.

Before Starting my PhD

Stephen Kome is a Civil Engineer currently working with the Infrastructural Practice Group of the World Bank in the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia country office, where he is gaining experience on a wide range of transport projects (Such as expressway Construction project, Road sector development project, Transport Improvement Project) in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa and spending his time together with his team in the preparation and supervision of transport projects financed by the World Bank. Stephen Kome has authored article in the field of Road safety and he has equally lead discussions at the National level concerning issues of Road safety. He has a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (with Distinction) from the National Advanced School of Public Works Yaoundé, Cameroon. While at university, He has done series of internships on Local Council development projects and highway construction projects where he has assisted in the design and planning of these projects as well as the implementation and supervision of project works. Together with his current work, He is developing and honing his skills in the aspects of planning, designing, construction and supervision of Transport projects.


WhatsApp: +237652485873

Mail Address: stephenkome.fondzenyuy@uniroma1.it