Joint Workshop on

Future of Machine Learning  in Geotechnics (FOMLIG) &

Use of Urban Geoinformation for Geotechnical Practice (UUGGP)

5(Tue)-6(Wed) December 2023, Okayama, Japan

Korakuen Garden


The purpose of this joint workshop is to share advancements in research and practice that are made possible by machine learning (and other digital technologies). The potential for machine learning to shape geotechnical engineering practice (and possibly theory) is immense. However, the agenda for machine learning in geotechnics should not be focused on applying or developing algorithms alone.

Machine learning in geotechnics (MLIG) should be approached with an appropriate balance of three elements: (1) data centricity, (2) fit for (and transform) practice, and (3) geotechnical context. This agenda underpins a new interdisciplinary field termed "data-centric geotechnics". Numerous foundational challenges beyond methodological ones can be identified when research is pursued under the broader "data first practice central" agenda of data-centric geotechnics. Ultimately, success is measured by how practice is improved or even transformed in the longer term. The topic is not limited to research/practice on ML, and the following topics are also welcome:

This workshop invites researchers, engineers, software and hardware developers, and data owners to discuss challenges, solutions, and applications with emphasis on: (1) geotechnical databases, (2) "fit for practice" methods, and (3) value to improve or transform practice.

Great Seto Bridge

How to take part

This workshop is by invitation only.

Interested participants should submit an extended abstract to Professor Takayuki Shuku for review before 31 August 2023.

An expert committee chaired by Professor Kok-Kwang Phoon would review the abstracts and convey a decision before 15 September 2023. Successful applications are expected to attend, present, and actively participate in the workshop physically.

No papers are required. But a PDF proceedings containing 1 or 2-page extended abstracts would be made available along with the technical programme. Some papers would be invited for submission to several special issues.

Organised by ATC10 (JGS) and Okayama University

Organizing Commetee

Takayuki Shuku, Chair, Okayama University, Japan

Rie Kudoh-Wada, Co-Chair, Oyo Corporation, Japan

Mamoru Mimura, Co-Chair, Geo-Research Institute, Japan

International Advisory Committee

Kok-Kwang Phoon, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Jianye Ching, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Stephen Wu, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan

Ikumasa Yoshida, Tokyo City University, Japan