System tells me the file is to large even after zipping the file. So I moved the file to my drop box link is here. Last night I tried to push and pull and was able to move the profile slightly in the positive. Then I logged out of Sketchup and now I can not even push or pull the profile nor will it allow the follow me tool. Link is here. File is a .SKP as it saved last night.

Dropbox - Master Bath Medicine Cabinet follow me not working.skp - Simplify your life

If you want to use Follow Me around the case, first add a path to it. I would open the component for editing, delete all but the bottom face and then using the Line tool, trace the case to create a path for Follow Me to work with.

Follow Me Tool Sketchup Free Download


Thank You Dave for the input. I may have gotten off track somewhere with all the Follow Me Tool Videos and made a mistake. Lesson learned again thank you as I am still learning the finer aspects of Sketchup I am sure that I will run into some more snags that are self created. I did initially have a path around the right side to the top and then down the left with the ledge in place that is hidden still in your demonstration of following the path. That was the first thing I did after designing the profile with the Bezier Curve plug in. Before I do anything else with the drawing I will purge then redraw the pathway for the Follow Me Tool, and fix the smoothed edges. I must have somewhere in making the profiled selected smooth edges not realizing that I did it. Again Thank you

Thank you, After going back and doing a purge of model and then an edit of the profile found that there was one smoothed edge and that was causing the issue. I unsmoothed that edge and was able to use the follow me tool and all is working as should be. Again thank you as I learned that soften or smoothing an edge can cause error or issue in some aspects of a drawing. I also learned to unsmooth or unsoften the edge.

I have a custom ledge that the profile sits on that connects to the bottom shelf. I also designed for the same profile to wrap around under that ledge. But having now drawn it both ways I may do the picture frame style design as the final build. Working on moving the design over to Layout for shop plans and prints along with export to Cutlist Plus FX. I again want to thank every one that added input into the topic as I was seriously stuff due to a smoothed edge that had me stuck and even through me off because it allowed me to push pull one day before a save then not the next. But the Follow Me Tool is working and the Profile is an actual Cutting Knife Profile I had made for my Shop Fox Moulding Machine. I have to figure out how to make the Follow Me Tool Profile into individual components where each one breaks at the corner and is a 45 miter.

Follow Me in SketchUp (Profile Builder is Follow Me on steroids) is a 3 click process of making a profile follow a path while making (mostly) all angles correctly. In the attached JPG I selected the line drawing of the rectangle, selected the Push Pull tool, then clicked on the profile shape. Follow Me did the rest, including the corner angles. Follow Me bisects the angle so the tool works on any path, not just 90 degree turns.

Select the lines. An alternative way to use tool is by selecting the lines instead of tracing them. Select all four lines that make up the window. Then, select the follow me tool from the toolbar and click on the trim profile.

Another example to use the Sketchup follow me tool for is adding in a rain gutter. Select the line that runs along the edge of the roof. Click the follow me tool, and then select the profile for your rain gutter.

The follow me tool can also be used to create radial shapes such as a wine glass. For this example, select the circle base and make sure the center is deselected. Click on the follow me tool and then select the center profile.

If you want to do any modifications like making a smaller base, simply select the base of the center profile and scale it down. You can delete the face of the base because all you need for the follow me tool is the outer line and center profile. Repeat the same steps you did before to create a wine glass shape.

Outer edges. Finally, you can use the follow me tool to subtract from an existing shape. Simply select the lines of the outer edge that you want to cut into. Click on the follow me tool and then select the profile you are using to cut into the corner. You can also use the follow me tool to cut into the inner edge of a shape, but the steps are a bit different.

I've followed several YouTube videos, step by step, and whenever they click the face of the path to follow, then click the Follow Me tool, then click the face they want to extrude, they get a beautiful path. Whenever I do it, it just removes geometry from my model instead of adding. I took a video and converted it to a gif below to show you what I mean.

's get placed here -->XReplies mrossk |Jun 09, 2022 03:05pm |#1you can make multiple copies around your radiused section with the rotate tool using the "array function" of the rotate tool, like you can make a linear array with the "move" tool. After you made your first copy hit "x" then how many copies you need. There's a lot of online help about make arrayed copies. or perhaps Dave R. will be along to tell you all that you need.

Alternatively, look up a plugin called "Path Copy". I believe that will do what you need as well

I agree with mrossk. It sounds like you could use Path Copy for this although you might be able to just use a radial array around the corners using Rotate/Copy. Follow Me won't be the tool for the job in this case.

Thanks guys. I was searching by the wrong name. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be fully compatible with the 2022 version of sketchup. It is loaded in the extension manager, but doesn't seem to really function. Very well may be user error, so I'll keep at it. When I select the tool it prompts me to click on the path. After selecting the path, it asks me to select and place the component. It will then place a single component and change to the move tool. I'm a bit stumped. Any further help would be greatly appreciated. I'll continue watching video tutorials in the meantime.

PathCopy does work in SketchUp 2022 and earlier versions. You might need to play with it a little and set the slat component's axes correctly. The smallest spacing increment is 1 inch. You can see how I set up the component's axes in the attached screenshot.

Thank you very much! I made a version using 'copy along curve' and a version using a radial array via the rotate tool. You guys were right, a copy array was the most straightforward way, and I'm excited to now know the rotate tool has that function. How cool! Thanks again.

Follow Me is a editing tool used to extrude a face along a path. Its functionality is similar to push/pull, except the follow me tool can create more complex models like a sphere or a bended pipe.

However, to model something like this for SketchUp, what you need to do is think about what the profile of your base looks like. The profile would be if you took a piece of base and cut it straight across the middle (see image below).

In order to create something like this, what you would do is model the profile of your piece of base, then select the path you would like it to follow, then activate the follow me tool. This extrudes your profile along the path you selected, giving you a nice, fancy piece of base along your path.

Another thing which I will get to in more detail in the future is extruding objects in a circle. You can use this functionality to create objects like cups, bottles, and table legs, as well as many other objects.

Hi, I'm Justin Geis, and I'm the founder of The SketchUp Essentials. I started using SketchUp as part of my work as a general contractor in 2008. I quickly realized the power of the software and started using it for personal projects. I started The SketchUp Essentials as a place to share easy to follow SketchUp tutorials and tips to help everyone harness the power of 3D Modeling in their lives. When not working with SketchUp, I enjoy playing soccer and spending time with my wife and our two dogs.

You need two things in order for the follow me tool to work properly, a path and a profile. The profile is obviously the shape that you will either be building or cutting with. The path is where that profile will end up. This is really handy if you want to make molding follow several inside and outside corners on a project.

make a line going straight up starting at the center of the circle (if you put your mouse over the general area of the center a green center dot should appear) the height of this line will determine the height of your dome. (if you want a perfect half circle as your dome, make the height of the line the same as the diameter as your circle

use the arc tool (4 buttons over from the top left) to create an arch from the top of your line to the edge of your circle. (make sure it is along the green axis, the circle thing will flash green to indicate this)

select the arc with the follow me tool and run it along the edge of the circle. this will require some fiddling, and don't worry if its not flawless, just make sure it is a complete dome with no gaps. (regard next step) 152ee80cbc

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