When directing my sims to fish (by clicking on local fishing signs that they can access) they simply walk over, stand next to the sign and won't fish. When I try the command again, it shows up in their queue but disappers after a second as if canceled, there is also no direction from my sim showing what the issue is. (ie: no waving arms, or can't walk here signs, no negative moodlets that would make the task impossible.)

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Hi @TGM-L-TheKillerQ Are you playing with any content in your Mods folder? If so, could you please test without? Exit Sims 4 then drag your Mods folder to your desktop. Then delete the file called localthumbcache from Document > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. If you think you might accidentally forget to exit without saving after testing, copy your Saves folder to your desktop too, to back it up. Now open Sims 4 and see if you still have the problem.

I'm having the same issue, and also my first time running into this bug: no mods in my mod folder, tried reset object on both the Sim and the fishing sign multiple times, and tried repairing my game. No waving arm animations or anything from my Sim either, and the interaction disappeared in my case as well. He admittedly was Very Tense when I tried (he's a Vampire who had the Dayphobia weakness active at the time, and had a burnout so I tried to send him fishing to lower the burnout moodlet), so maybe I'm just stupid and it's his mood causing that.

But if this is a bug in my case, then it could possibly be caused by a pack conflict. I own most of the packs (the only ones I don't own are Home Chef Hustle, Journey to Batuu, Tiny Living, and most of the kits, but I do own Simstimates), so sorry, but I have no clue which packs exactly would be conflicting here. I honestly don't even know in which exact pack this burnout feature that my Sim was suffering under is included: This fishing bug definitely hit me after downloading Horse Ranch and Growing Together, though. I haven't run into it before those two packs were installed.

@MelanieScribbles There could indeed be a mood issue involved. If you run into it again with a different Sim, let us know! Test it completely without the Mods folder deleting localthumbcache too. (We've seen even the most innocuous-seeming CC do odd things.)

I've had the issue when my sim was Tense, it didn't grey out the option but the sims would get to the fish sign and just cancel any action. When I cheated away the tense moodlet they could immediately fish with no issue

Product: The Sims 4

Platform: PC

Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? 100% (in this save)

What is your current game version number?

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Everything except Bust the Dust

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to fish in a pond you've made with terrain tools on your residential lot.

What happens when the bug occurs? Even though the pond sign (which is sitting in the water) has fish "stocked", when I attempt to have the Sim fish, the "fish" or "fish with bait" are greyed out, with the message saying that the pond needs to be stocked. I'm playing on a lot which I usually use for PlantSims and I've never had this problem before.

What do you expect to see? She should be able to fish.

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? No. It's a new save without any mods or CC playing the PlantSim scenario.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Because of the new January 17th, 2023 patch, I'm playing completely without mods or CC in a brand-new save. 

So yeah.. How is this supposed to work? I went all RTFM and actually took a look at the tutorial about ponds and it turns out that my pond that I was testing was indeed shallow so I assume fishing should work in it. The heat map showed my whole pond as green (or whatever you want to call that colour that indicates water depth being shallow) and I've tried moving the sign in different places in it but it just won't work.

With this few reports on it I wasn't sure if it's an actual bug or is it just me not knowing how to build it properly but what I can tell from the instructions from the tutorial, I did build it correctly. Yet I can't fish in it.

You should def be feeding him pellets, Shrimp i look at as a treat not a staple. Res you should be feed dark greens like romaine everyday and pellets every otherday. like i said shrimp and fish are treats to me. Also its fine that your res doesn't chase fish, some turtles like to do it and some will leave them alone for alongtime then oneday you will wake up with all your fish gone. Depends on your turtles mood.

Your RES may still be a little small to catch a fish. My YBS just looked at the fish for about a month, but started to to catches and bite at them yesterday. Happy is just over 2 1/2" my vet said it may take them a while to figure out its food.

I would also read the article that sophiex recommended, it helped me a lot. I feed zoomed hatchling, omega one juvenile, wheat germ, green/red lettuces and fruit as a treat (I give this 2 or 3 times a month)

My painted is a little over 2" and at first he would chase and eat the fish all the time. The last month or so he hasn't really tried as much. Somedays fish will be right next to him and he could care less. But just when I start to think he has given up all together I will see him hiding in a plant and then if a fish swims by he will lunge out at it. So I wouldn't worry. One morning I bet you will wake up and all the fish but 1 will be gone. The reason I say but 1 fish is because mine will always leave at least one at all times with him.

Some holes or riffles are brush-lined on the top end, making a downstream retrieve difficult or impossible. In any event, what you want is to make the blades flutter as slowly as possible. If pulling with the current, of course, you must reel fast enough to keep the lure from snagging. Nevertheless, keep it near bottom as long as possible. If you never snag you are probably reeling above the fish.

I have seen novice anglers retrieve with rods tip high. No good. Keep the rod tip low so that the lure skims bottom of the water. Try to maintain a steady, monotonous speed as slowly as you can while keeping the lure whirling. Unless sipping dry flies, big fish hug the bottom.

Overall, my favorite spinner over the years is a No. 3 Mepps. It has the right weight to cast well out there and reach bottom in a hurry. It also rotates at a slow enough speed to appear vulnerable. (If using a No. 2, I add a small weight.) But I am so enamored of the No. 3 that I recently bought six of them just to make sure I am never out.

I just recently bought two black and white ocellaris clownfish. They won't go into my rose bubble tip anemone. Is there anything that can get them in there. I have already try putting food in the anemone to try to get them in their. I also tried to put pictures on the glass. Nothing worked! Any other suggestions?

nah, just showing that some ocellaris will host a bta. Mine did pretty quckly, but the orange one had been in a tank with btas at the LFS. I think that may make a difference. For others it may take time, I think they have to experience the feel of the anemone accidentally and realize they like it.

besides did you buy tank bred clowns? if you did then they dont know what an anenome is and most will just be afraid or not use it. if they arent tank bred and have had an anenome b4 then they should go in it but guess not for u.

Well I think there is some truth to all the posts about forcing them in. It seriously works magic. I had a small breeding chamber laying around you can pick one up for a few dollars then just put them both in there for a day or two along with the pictures taped to the glass. It has worked twice for me.

I have 4 BTA (2 are 3 years old, 2 are 2 years old. They both split after about 1yr). My clowns (3 years young) know what the anemones are. They use one sometimes for emergency shelter when scared (1-3 seconds only). They sleep at the front of the glass, and hangout behind 2 of the anemones but dont touch them.

While waiting for my new WaterBox 20 Cube(coming in the next 5 to 10 days) I was youtubing/googling on how people introducing their clown fish to nem. Couple of people had successfully done it by housing the clown fish (most importantly the Female clown fish) with the nem in a small confined basket or container for a short period time, an hour or so. After building up the hosting relationship, released them back to the tank. If you have run out of options, try your luck with it. Good luck!

In this thread, I'd like to explain everything I know about fishing using the sea fishing rod. I'm hoping this guide will be helpful to anyone who's completely new to using the item as well as those who've been fishing for a while but don't completely understand the mechanics in-depth.

Floats determine how far you can cast your rod, and how accurately. Distance is useful in catching fish without moving your boat, and for catching fish more safely, while accuracy is useful for making sure your rod attracts the fish you're looking for, and that it's placed in the best spot for hooking what you'd like to hook. I consider distance to be the more useful stat in many scenarios, though the boss feather quill lures excel in both equally so you don't have to worry about choosing which float to use once you kill the Moose or the Goose or the Malbatross. 152ee80cbc

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