Do you have items you want to keep hidden on your computer? Creating a locked folder using a batch script is a fun and easy way to hide files in low-stakes situations that don't require files to be encrypted. This wikiHow teaches you how to create a locker folder using a batch file.

Sorry I haven't replied back to any of your comments guys. This is the 

first time I've logged into this site in a long time. This instructable was something I made when I was in 8th grade. Yes I know my grammar is terrible and my spelling is even worse. This was just something I done for fun. It was never meant to be "secure or encrypted." Also this was only meant to work in Windows XP. I see that some of you have found ways to make it work in other OS and I think that's great. Most of your problems are probably related to using windows vista or windows 7. If you forgot your password just make another locker.bat and delete the old one. Just because you delete the locker.bat or locker.exe for those who converted it, doesn't mean you delete the folder where your files are stored. I will try to come back more often and respond to your comments and questions.

Folder Lock Text File Download


Now just go to were you saved the Folder Locker and open it. It should make a folder called locker. To lock the Folder you need to open the batch file. It should ask you if you want to lock the folder, all you have to do is type Y for yes and N for no. and the folder should disapere. To unlock the folder just open the batch file again and enter your password.

Sorry I haven't replied back to any of your comments guys. This is the first time I've logged into this site in a long time. This instructable was something I made when I was in 8th grade. Yes I know my grammar is terrible and my spelling is even worse. This was just something I done for fun. It was never meant to be "secure or encrypted." Also this was only meant to work in Windows XP. I see that some of you have found ways to make it work in other OS and I think that's great. Most of your problems are probably related to using windows vista or windows 7. If you forgot your password just make another locker.bat and delete the old one. Just because you delete the locker.bat or locker.exe for those who converted it, doesn't mean you delete the folder where your files are stored. I will try to come back more often and respond to your comments and questions.

just delete the .bat file

create a new .bat file by copy pasting the code and put a new password in the code.

then copy the .bat file to that folder and then run

passsword will be asked and then type the new password

thats all,the hidden folder will unlock

I have created a batch file for locking d folder on my PC. It was working fine till i formatted my C drive. after that the disk in which i created this batch file is locked and it is showing that access is denied. I am totally stuck and do not know what to do. Plzzzzzzzzz help me.

Uhm hello! I saw this method on youtube and I tried it to lock my important files. It was working fine for a few months but now when I tried opening it, the window for the insert password keeps crashing. How am I supposed to open my folder if I can't insert my password :/ How can I undo this lock? Please, I need your help, these files are important to me..

We all have computer files we'd like to protect and keep completely private, but not everyone knows how to password-protect a file folder in Windows 10. Whether you're hiding notes from someone (spouse, child, co-worker) with access to your computer or (hopefully) something less drastic, you're allowed to have some privacy.

Fortunately, in Windows 10, you can securely protect your private documents or files in a secret folder that is password protected, and you can do it without buying any additional software. Once you've created a new folder in Windows 10, here's how to password-protect it. You can never be too careful when it comes to privacy.

But to be safe, you should try this how-to using files you can afford to lose, just in case the method doesn't work for you. Also, ensure you're keeping some record of the exact password you're using to lock your folder.

Different possible use cases, but given the nature of Obsidian I second what @bscott highlighted. Going down the path of full lock and encrypt would introduce limitations that are taking away from the flexibility of plain text storage. There are plenty of tools to protect data. The ask here is maybe simply the ability to hide folders from prying eyes.

Implementing something like this in a text editor is not so simple. I would recommend using protections available on the computer/device you use to interact with Obsidian (drive encryption, authentication mechanisms, etc.). If you keep your device locked when you are away or not using it, then your Obsidian data is still protected.

A possible Hacker could only read the encrypted text files. He would have to read the ram to get to the decrypted file or the encryption key which costs time and a lot of ressources to do. And could only happen while you have opened that vault in Obsidian.

You can easily lock any folder on your Windows computer with a simple Notepad hack. By creating a batch file, you can hide a folder and require a password be entered before it becomes visible and accessible. This is a great tool for locking sensitive information, like pictures, financial statements, and a lot more.

To re-lock (and hide) the folder, just hit the batch file again. And remember, you can name the batch file and folder whatever you like, you feel free to make sure of this trick in multiple locations on your Windows machine.

after making this .bat you can hide the folder ( right click and hide the folder like normal) now its no visible, you can find it if you know its there and make it visible again but well. now you got a bat file with a password and a hidden folder :)

To answer anyone's question about this @Prashant Agarrwal "It's really lock my files but I have one problem that is when I enter wrong password, it opens. so how I say that my file is secure. Anyone can access my file. please help me........" As you can see in the picture on line 22 It originally says if NOT %pass%== Hello1goto FAIL

Hi i just tried that one and I almost got it now my file is disappeared I can't reach my file now what should I do pls reply even that locker.bat isn't working then where will I get my folder.... Pls help me out

if you move the locker.bat to somewhere else and try to open the folder, the files are no more there. but when i returned the locker.bat to the original location, contents of the folder were visible. How can I hide the locker.bat file in a different location without loosing the contents of the folder?

If you or someone delete the locker.bat file, then only this batch file will be deleted. Locker folder in which you have locked your file and folder will not be deleted. This locker will remain hide position in same drive of your computer system. This can recover when you recreate same batch file with same name and coding (locker.bat). Locker folder will reappear on same drive or folder.

Very good trick but if I off the Show hidden files, folders, and drives AND Hide protected operating system files (recommended) then hidden folder show. If I double click on folder it open. What is the solution?

but when i opened it next time it is converted into text file and now i can not read anything written in it and now it became a read only pen drive and now i can't delete or add anything into it. it can't be formated.

Guys, if you already typed in your password, you can access the folder and therefore, the folder is unlocked. NOW, after you're done with your business with the folder, you should click the ".bat" folder again to lock it once more. YOU'RE WELCOME.

i forgot my password and tried several times..... i went to edit by chance and found the password.... now im entering the correct password but is giving me a message : access denied and it just turns off.... please i really need the folders that are saved within

I locked a folder on an external hard drive. I then reinstalled windows10 PC and no longer able to open my hidden folder inside external harddrive although correct PW was entered. I think formatting the harddisk and new windows is the issue. Please advice how to open my hidden folder. I have important doc in the folder. Thanks

I have created a locked folder, and it works. HOWEVER, when I accidentally entered a wrong password, it gave me a message "Fail", but unlocked the folder anyway. I then experimented with random passwords, and they all unlocked the folder.

I was locked/hidden my folder as you suggested above mentioned code. But, after that due to some another reason, I have to format my PC . After formatted, I could not access files which folder locked by .bat code. Kindly help me in this regards at the earliest. I used Office XP system.

After the August update, when I reboot my phone, it shows a persistent notification "Secure Folder locked" under Android system section...the only way to make it go is to unlock my secure folder. Is there a way to stop this notification from coming in the first place? Thanks.

Browse to the location of documents. Goto properties and set the permission for owner as well as group as read and write. Now try to delete the folder from another nautilus window (one without root privileges). Issue: Deleting folders from sidebar fails if files in a sub directory were openopened by deathaxeon 2018-08-15closed by deathaxeon 2019-02-02SummaryThis issue report is the result of a discussion at -cant-delete-folders-from-side-bar-on-windows-very-oftenIt looks like ST locks the folder of a file it... C: File Management C: Sidebar S: minor T: bug Issue: Unlock the project directory after closing the project on itopened by evandrocoanon 2018-05-04closed by wbondon 2019-02-01SummarySome times, I need to rename my Sublime Text Project Directory, so I go to the file manager and try to... C: OS Integration R: fixed T: bug ff782bc1db

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