Foivos's Webpage

5 seconds before freezing in Nová Louka.

Contact me

Czech Technical University in Prague Thákurova 9, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech republic


As of October 2022 I'm a postodcotral researcher in the G²OAT research group, at FIT ČVUT, in the Technical University in Prague, working with Dušan Knop. Previously, I was a PhD Student in Computer Science at Université Côte D'Azur in the COATI team, under the supervision of Julien Bensmail and Nicolas Nisse

My main research interests lie in Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics. I have worked on various optimisation problems and combinatorial games (defined on graphs). I'm currently focusing on approaching the problems I study through the lens of parameterized complexity. In particular, I'm considering combinatorial problems that are born in the field of Artificial Intelligence. I'm also interested by  the general setting of problems about finding large subgraphs of a given graph that verify some desirable property.
