Nominations for Officers

Dear Valued Member of F.O.E. Aerie #2722

It is time for Nominations for Officers within our Aerie. The following offices are available for nomination:

Worthy President, Worthy Vice President, Worthy Chaplain, Worthy Conductor, Worthy Inside Guard, Worthy Outside Guard, Treasurer, Auditor and Trustee.

While many of these positions have Members in place, this is your opportunity to nominate anyone you feel would be a good fit to any of these positions. Feel free to nominate a fellow Member OR YOURSELF to one of these positions. Elections are on May 2nd and for most positions, run for the calendar year running June 1st 2022 until May 31st 2023. If you would like to put a name down for one or multiple positions, this is your opportunity to create a Government within our Aerie.

Every Member has the same vote as your fellow Member. It is our Members’ responsibility to direct the way our Aerie moves in the future. This is the way to affect any changes you might wish to see. This last year has seen your Aerie have to make a LOT of changes and oftentimes stumble as we try to fully reopen and begin to offer some of the events you as a Member are used to having. This is an opportunity to work on the front lines to see these changes become a reality

We are so grateful to all of the Members that have supported our Aerie In the past, the present and looking towards the future. We are looking forward to MANY years ahead of us doing what an Eagle does best. PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE.


Past Worthy President: Scott Bierman

Jr Past Worthy President: Rob Humphreys

Worthy President; Bryan Jensen

Worthy Chaplain: Tara Spence

Worthy Conductor: Travis Spence

Worthy Secretary: Irene Btayton

Worthy Treasurer: Rob Humphreys

Worthy Outside Guard: Rosa Linda Diaz

Trustee: Sandy Jiles

Trustee: Jed Dobberstein

Trustee Glen Baker