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Make sure you have the latest version of Roblox with the New UI
Here are some methods you can try to fix the issue,
Uninstall & Reinstall Roblox.
Make sure you're not using BloxTrap.
Make sure your account is verified.
Clear Roblox Cache
Press Windows Key + R, type the code below.
Press Enter
Delete everything inside the folder. (Create a backup if you have settings to save or if this doesn't work.)
If nothing works, use another account. Roblox is preventing you from updating your account somehow.
Set your Roblox Settings & Avatar
Make sure your Roblox character is the normal size and not a mini or tall version. If you're not sure, just set your character’s legs, arms, and body to the default size. 'Man'.
Change your In-Game Settings.
FNTD Settings
Clicking the little Gear Icon in the bottom left. (In-Game).
Effects: OFF
Info Position: LEFT
Roblox Settings
Shift Lock Switch: OFF
Max Frame Rate: 25 FPS (RECOMMENDED)
Graphics Mode: Manual
Graphics Quality: LOWEST.
If you're using multiple accounts, make sure to replicate all these changes for each one.
Set your Games Properly
Don't do this randomly! Always place the same account in the same spot each time you set up. This is how the macro identifies which account is which.
Game 1: Top-Left
Game 2: Top-Right
Game 3: Bottom-Left
Game 4: Bottom-Right..
Check if your Offsets are correct
Click the ">" button in the bottom right until you see the "Get Information" button. Click it once until a notification appears saying "Debug Complete."
This will copy some data to your clipboard. Paste it into any Discord chat. It should look like the example on the left.
Ensure Each Value matches the one shown in the Example.
Green Highlight: Ensure the values match the ones shown in the example. If they don’t, it means you didn’t set it up properly. Go back and follow the instructions above.
Purple Highlight: Ensure the values match. If they don't, calculate the difference and add them together.
Example: If Color Offset says (-1, 3) and Offset says (-2, 0), adding them gives (-2, 3).Yellow Highlight: Make sure Roblox Locations says (-7, 0). If not, calculate the difference and add it to your earlier value. Example: If your earlier value was (-2, 3) and Roblox Locations says (-8, 0), the difference is (-1), so your new value becomes (-3, 3).
Enter the final value into the Game UI Offset field inside the purple box.