Now note that rending strikes IS actual rend (the self buff version). This means that rending strikes combos nicely with either onslaught OR exploit weakness, but onslaught and exploit weakness do not combo well with each other.

For me, onslaught is the worst competitive gaming mode ever. Either the match maker is completly broken or the fact that the progression model is so bad that too many people stay stuck at the earlier levels, which in turn makes the match maker suffer. Or maybe it's the 7v7 that makes killing 1 or 2 tanks early turn into a steam roll. I don't what is it, but I prefer the previous ranked gamemode waay more.

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I wish that they had made some color variants of the asylum armors for DPS classes. Same skins, just different colors and using the "onslaught" stats. Maybe even make color-variants of the "onslaught" gear, too, only with alacrity instead of crit for dedicated healers.

The COVID-19 outbreak has taken many governments by surprise. While the crisis unfolds, it is instructive to explore how different governments reacted to the onslaught of an unknown disease. This research, using very recently collected and open-source data, meets this objective. The research reveals that, regarding 7 most commonly adopted preventive measures, governments have varied notably concerning their actions in relation to infection rate, disease rate, and timing of measures. The research also illustrates variations between governments for 6 countries: Australia, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the United States. As revealed in the summary independent-samples t test and Hedges' g values, both Oceanian countries (Australia and New Zealand) reacted differently compared to the other countries, which may have played a role in their low death and infection rates to date.

Hi, for some reason onslaught ability for assault (the one that restores 2 AP to all allies with in 10 spaces for 2AP and 4WP) has no effect even to a soldier that stand in adjacent square. Anyone else sees it?

Persisters have increasingly been recognized as a serious challenge to modern infection control. Unlike fully antibiotic resistant "superbugs," persisters do not possess mutated genes; in fact, persisters are genetically identical to their normal, antibiotic-prone bacterial brethren. Persisters live up to their name, though, through the way those genes happen to be expressed at the time of an antibiotic onslaught. The persisters might be in a temporarily dormant state, for instance, or luckily have certain genes switched on or off that confer better protection from the antibiotic. Once the pharmaceutical threat has passed, persisters can start multiplying again and trigger a fresh round of infection. 17dc91bb1f

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