Library Policies

How many books may I check out at a time, and how long may I keep the books?

Kindergarten: 1 book First & Second grades: 2 books

Third - Fifth grades: 3 books Parents: 5 books

Students may keep their book(s) for a 2-week period. Books not returned within that 2-week period become overdue. Student patron accounts must be kept current to continue checking out additional books. If a book is damaged or lost, it must be paid for to continue check-out privileges. We appreciate your help at home in taking care of these valuable resources.

My book is due, but I have not finished reading it. May I keep the book longer?

A book may be renewed one time. Books are renewed at the circulation desk and returned to the student for the additional time.

Many of our resources are available for "at-home" access using Destiny, our online catalog. For more information and links to other great online resources provided by FNES, go to the school's website homepage.