Call for Tool Demonstrations

We solicit contributed tool demonstrations. The tools will be highlighted via ~5 min lightning talks, followed by a short ~15-minute period for general feedback, and wrapping up in individual breakout sessions at tables where the tools will be demonstrated. Since the workshop will be held virtually, we are open to pre-recorded demo presentations, in addition to live demos.

Topics of Interest

  • Use cases of formal methods in robotics

  • Automated planning from rich specifications

  • Formal safety verification

  • Interpretable machine learning

  • Formal verification of machine learning systems

  • Robotics-centric tools leveraging formal methods

  • Runtime monitoring

Submission Requirements

Demonstrations should include:

  1. How to define a simple example to use the tool

  2. A realistic example that can also be executed by interested researchers

  3. Videos or demos on real robots

The submission should be in the form of a one-page document, including:

  1. Abstract for the lightning talk

  2. Demonstration plan at the workshop

  3. URL for the tool

The site can be a static website or github repository that includes the tool’s name, description (abstract), purpose, authors, licensing information, and citation information. We will accept both open and closed source tools, but will require, at a minimum, that they be freely available to use and distribute for academic purposes and be accessible by all workshop participants. Acceptance will be based on: installation and dependencies, examples and reproducibility of examples, how easy it is to create new cases, API and use with other tools (e.g. ROS), documentation, and generality.

Tool demonstrations should be submitted to:

Inquiries can also be directed to:

Key Dates

  • Tool Demonstration Submission Deadline: 20 August 2021 (AoE) The submission deadline has passed

  • Acceptance Notifications: 25 August 2021

  • Presentation Submission Deadline: 05 September 2021

  • Workshop Date: 01 October 2021