update manual version 27/12/2023

This is an update of the FMNEAR manual version. It manages in a better way the inflence of the pre-event noise before the P arrival time in the waveform fit RMS calculation, and it incorporates the possibility to modify the length of the inversion time window. These options may be particularly useful to model small earthquakes.

The overall way of proceeding  is the same for the user and the general structure does not change. As usual, follow the instructions in the " readme_manual_inversion " file, which was updated.

!!! This update can be installed whether you have the dedicated virtual machine version or a version directly installed on your server !!!


How to get the update :

Copy the dropbox link to the update patch in the firefox web browser of the FMNEAR virtual machine (VM), choose download the complete package (not the readme file and directory individually). You will get a .bz2 file in the download directory of the VM. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q4m07kfpkp9r5hq891vx5/update_FMNEAR_manual_version_27dec2027.tar.bz2?rlkey=g8k01col9gf6q3fmmygx7cxzi&dl=0 

Alternatively, you can use :

wget -O update_FMNEAR_manual_version_27dec2027.tar.bz2 "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q4m07kfpkp9r5hq891vx5/update_FMNEAR_manual_version_27dec2027.tar.bz2?rlkey=g8k01col9gf6q3fmmygx7cxzi&dl=0

How to install:

First, you should rename what will be replaced (updated).

Go into /home/fmnear/FMNEAR_manual_inversion, and execute the following:

where xxxxx is an extension of your choice, but you can choose your own way of renaming them, as for example moving them to another directory.

Copy the downloaded  .bz2 file into /home/fmnear/FMNEAR_manual_inversion, then bunzip2 it, and untar it with " tar -xvf update_FMNEAR_manual_version_27dec2027.tar " .  

The update should be done.


Note 1: to bunzip2 simply execute " bunzip2  update_FMNEAR_manual_version_27dec2027.tar.bz2 " 

Note 2 : if you have the FMNEAR manual version directly on your server, not in the dedicated  vitualbox machine, you may have to recompile the fortran codes. Do the following once the update done.

Go into  /home/fmnear/FMNEAR_manual_inversion/prog_proc_special_explore_fixed_depth_filter3, if necessary adapt the name of the fortran compiler in " compil.x ", and execute "sh recompile_all.x ".

Note 3: if you uddate a version directly installed on your server, you may have to check for possible graphical adjustements, following:


