Articles using FMNEAR

Non-exhaustive list of articles using FMNEAR

Delouis B., Oral E., Menager M., Ampuero J.-P., Guilhem Trilla A., Régnier M. & Deschamps A., 2021. Constraining the point source parameters of the 11 November 2019 Mw 4.9 Le Teil earthquake using multiple relocation approaches, first motion and full waveform inversions, Comptes Rendus Géoscience 353(S1):1-24. DOI :  

Tavera, H., Delouis, B., Mercado, A. and D. Portugal, 2021. Loreto Intermediate Depth Earthquake of 26 May 2019 (Northeast Peru): Source Parameters by Inversion of Local to Regional Waveforms and Strong‐Motion Observations. Seismological Research Letters; 92 (6): 3349–3359. doi: 

Derode, B., Delouis, B. and J. Campos, 2019. Systematic Determination of Focal Mechanisms over a Wide Magnitude Range: Insights from the Real‐Time FMNEAR Implementation in Chile from 2015 to 2017, Seismological Research Letters (2019) 90 (3): 1285-1295. 

Larroque, C., Delouis, B., Sage, F., Régnier, M., Béthoux, N., Courboulex, F., and A. Deschamps, 2016. The sequence of moderate-size earthquakes at the junction of the Ligurian basin and the Corsica margin (western Mediterranean): the initiation of an active deformation zone revealed?, Tectonophysics, 676, 135-147. 

Beldjoudi H., Delouis B., Djellit H., Yelles-Chaouche A., Gharbi S. et Abacha I., 2016. The Beni-Ilmane (Algeria) seismic sequence of May 2010: Seismic sources and stress tensor calculations, Tectonophysics, 670, 101-114,  

Delouis, B., 2014. FMNEAR: determination of focal mechanism and first estimate of rupture directivity using near source records and a linear distribution of point sources, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104 (3),1479-1500.