Fetchdata for FMNEAR

For additional information, or to report any issues or bugs, contact Bertrand DELOUIS  delouis@geoazur.unice.fr

Here you can download a bundle containing the Fetchdata and mseed2sac executables from IRIS,  together with scpecific scripts  and fortran codes to prepare the SAC records ready  for FMNEAR.

The link is:


You can get it with :

wget -O fetch_data_webservice_for_FMNEAR_diffusion_28dec2023.tar.bz2  'https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rdnmibrei7asebwvg7lb4/fetch_data_webservice_for_FMNEAR_diffusion_28dec2023.tar.bz2?rlkey=tbb8hgmpxu4w0gtbsy9ri5dhh&dl=0'

Once downloaded, copy the .tar.bz2 file on your working disk, and execute

" bunzip2 fetch_data_webservice_for_FMNEAR_diffusion_28dec2023.tar.bz2 "

" tar -xvf fetch_data_webservice_for_FMNEAR_diffusion_28dec2023.tar.bz2 "

It will create a folder " fetch_data_webservice_for_FMNEAR_diffusion " where you can request and prepare the date for FMNEAR.

To do that, just follow the instructions in the " readme " file inside this folder (this is simple, you create a file containing the date in UTC, coordinates, depth, magnitude, and region of the earthquake, then call a single script).

You will be asked the maximum distance to retrieve the data, in degrees.

You will get the available broadband and strong motion data from the RESIF, IPGP, INGV, ICGC, ETHZ, BGR, GFZ, and IRIS data centers.

Components  initially named 1 and 2 will be rotated to N and E.

At the end you will obtain SAC files renamed in the forme:




for a broadband (velocity) sensor, and




for a strong motion (acceleration) sensor.

(example for station ESCA equipped with both kinds of sensors)

Note 1: You may have to recompile the fortran codes. To do that, go inside subdirectory " prog_proc " and execute " sh recompile_all.x ".

Note2: on the FMNEAR VM distribution (e.g. from this web site), you may need to install perl before using fetchdata. Under root (su, or sudo, passwd " fmnear ") use the two following commands :

" yum install perl "

" yum install perl-LWP-Protocol-https "


Reference for Fetchdata and mseed2seed on IRIS:

