

The 5-days summer school on mathematical guarantees for data-driven control will offer to its audience an educational overview of fundamental technical topics related to data-driven control theory.

The form of the school is as follows. The first three days of the school will be dedicated to a series of in-depth lectures and tutorials on selected topics given by leading experts in the field of data-driven control. During the last two days, researchers and professors who are at the forefront will give talks on their work, further embarking on open problems and sharing their perspective on future fundamental directions. The school will be arranged in order to maximize the take-away for the audience and favor a fertile interaction with the speakers. In addition, dedicated time slots will be reserved for discussions and student presentations, since one of the major goals of the summer school is to bring together researchers focusing on data-driven control and favor collaborations and exchange of ideas.

The summer school is held directly after the international conference on «Learning for Dynamics & Control» in Zurich, which is the major, yet new, conference focusing on the topics sketched above. This will constitute a unique occasion for a full-immersion in data-driven control related topics.

Agenda (click to see detailed information, timezone: CET)

Day 1: Wed, 09.06.2021
Reconciling Reinforcement Learning: Optimization, Generalization, and Exploration, by Niao He & Bo Dai.

Abstract: Reinforcement learning has achieved significant breakthroughs recently for outperforming humans in many challenging tasks. Behind the scene lies the integration of three key elements: nonlinear function approximation, off-policy learning, and efficient exploration, among various other techniques such as bootstrapping, target networks, experience replay, entropy regularization, etc. On the other side, the stability of RL algorithms is often haunted by the so-called deadly triad. This lecture aims to unveil the mysteries behind these RL techniques and reconcile them from fresh optimization perspectives.

08:30 - 10:20: Tabular RL – old and new (Niao He)

10:20 - 10:40: Break

10:40 - 12:30: RL with nonlinear function approximation (Niao He)

14:00 - 15:50: Offline RL (Bo Dai)

15:50 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 18:00: RL with exploration (Bo Dai)


  • [1] Semih Cayci, Siddhartha Satpathi, Niao He and R. Srikant. "Sample Complexity and Overparameterization Bounds for Projection-Free Neural TD Learning". arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.01391, 2021

  • [2] Donghwan Lee and Niao He. "A Unified Switching System Perspective and Convergence Analysis of Q-Learning Algorithms". Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

  • [3] Wentao Weng, Harsh Gupta, Niao He, Lei Ying and R. Srikant. "The Mean-Square Error of Double Q-Learning". Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

  • [4] Donghwan Lee and Niao He. "Target-Based Temporal-Difference Learning." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019.

  • [5] Bo Dai, Ofir Nachum, Yinlam Chow, Lihong Li, Csaba Szepesvári and Dale Schuurmans. "CoinDICE: Off-Policy Confidence Interval Estimation". Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.

  • [6] Ofir Nachum, Bo Dai, Ilya Kostrikov, Yinlam Chow, Lihong Li and Dale Schuurmans. "AlgaeDICE: Policy Gradient from Arbitrary Experience". arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.02074, 2019.

  • [7] Bo Dai, Albert Shaw, Lihong Li, Lin Xiao, Niao He, Zhen Liu, Jianshu Chen and Le Song. "SBEED: Convergent Reinforcement Learning with Nonlinear Function Approximation". In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018.

  • [8] Bo Dai, Niao He, Yunpeng Pan, Byron Boots and Le Song. "Learning from Conditional Distributions via Dual Embeddings". In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2017.

Day 2: Thu, 10.06.2021
Learning and Control with Safety and Stability Guarantees for Nonlinear Systems, by Nikolai Matni & Stephen Tu.

Abstract: In these lectures, we will present an overview of recent connections that have been made between nonlinear stability theory, online learning, and statistical learning theory. In particular, we will focus on three settings: (i) learning stability certificates for nonlinear systems from data, (ii) regret bounds for nonlinear adaptive control, and (iii) safe imitation learning. We will highlight how learning algorithms applied to systems satisfying appropriate notions of incremental stability can be shown to enjoy favorable generalization guarantees. The lectures will be as self-contained as possible, with no background in learning theory expected of the audience.

The schedule for this day is different from the other days.

14:00 - 15:50: Lecture

15:50 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 18:00: Lecture

19:00 - 20:50: Lecture

20:50 - 21:10: Break

21:10 - 23:00: Lecture

Relevant work:

Day 3: Fri, 11.06.2021
Learning Control from Data: Linear and Nonlinear Systems, by Claudio De Persis & Pietro Tesi.

Abstract: The lectures focus on a recently introduced approach to design control policies for unknown systems starting from low-complexity input-output data collected during off-line experiments. The approach reduces the design to the solution of data-dependent semidefinite programs, which provide a computationally effective way to deal with the problem of learning control from data. We will see how problems that are central to data-driven control, such as stabilization, optimal regulation and robust controlled set invariance, can be studied with this approach. Some extensions of these results to nonlinear control systems will be also presented.

08:30 - 10:20: Lecture

10:20 - 10:40: Break

10:40 - 12:30: Lecture

14:00 - 15:50: Lecture

15:50 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 18:00: Lecture

Relevant work:

  • [BDPT20] Andrea Bisoffi, Claudio De Persis and Pietro Tesi, "Data-based stabilization of unknown bilinear systems with guaranteed basin of attraction", Systems & Control Letters 2020.

  • [DPT20] Claudio De Persis and Pietro Tesi, "Formulas for Data-Driven Control: Stabilization, Optimality, and Robustness", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2020.

  • [GDPT20] Meichen Guo, Claudio De Persis and Pietro Tesi, "Data-Driven Stabilization of Nonlinear Polynomial Systems with Noisy Data", 2020. arXiv:

  • [BDPT20] Andrea Bisoffi, Claudio De Persis and Pietro Tesi, "Controller Design for Robust Invarinace from Noisy Data", 2020. arXiv:

  • [DPT21] Claudio De Persis and Pietro Tesi, "Low-complexity learning of Linear Quadratic Regulators from noisy data", Automatica 2021.

Day 4: Mon, 14.06.2021
A Framework for data-driven Control with Guarantees: Analysis, MPC and Robust Control, by Frank Allgoewer.
Connections between Optimization, Learning and Control: Past, Present and Future, by Stephen Wright.

09:00 - 10:20: Presentations and discussions of some relevant papers

10:20 - 10:40: Break

10:40 - 12:30: Lecture by Frank Allgoewer

14:00 - 15:30: Presentations and discussions of some relevant papers

15:30 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 17:10: Lecture by Stephen Wright

A framework for data-driven control with guarantees: Analysis, MPC and robust control -- Abstract: In this lecture, a unitary framework for data-driven control theory is presented, which does not rely on explicit model knowledge but still allows to give desirable theoretical guarantees. The framework relies on a result from behavioral systems theory, where it was shown that one data trajectory can be used to parametrize all further trajectories of an unknown linear system. Three concrete applications of the framework are presented in the form of easily implementable yet mathematically sound system analysis and controller design techniques: 1) a simple method to verify dissipativity properties of linear systems based on input-output data, 2) data-driven model predictive control schemes with guaranteed closed-loop stability for linear and nonlinear systems, and 3) a robust control-based approach for data-driven analysis and control of linear and nonlinear systems.

Connections between Optimization, Learning, and Control: Past, Present, and Future -- Abstract: Optimization, learning, and control are interconnected disciplines, enriching each other with the complementary perspectives that they provide on many problems and issues. We start by tracing the historical engagement of optimization with control and learning, leading to the present situation in which optimization methods play a central role in such areas as deep neural networks, low-rank matrix problems, and model predictive control. We present some recent results on the use of neural networks in process control, and discuss the ways in which control and learning have influenced core optimization research. Finally we speculate on some possible future arenas of engagement between these areas.

Relevant work:

  • Julian Berberich, Johannes Köhler, Matthias A. Müller and Frank Allgöwer "Data-driven model predictive control with stability and robustness guarantees", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021.

  • Julian Berberich, Johannes Köhler, Matthias A. Müller and Frank Allgöwer, "Linear tracking MPC for nonlinear systems part II: the data-driven case", 2021. arXiv:

  • Julian Berberich, Carsten W. Scherer and Frank Allgöwer, "Combining prior knowledge and data for robust controller design", 2020. arXiv:

  • Anne Koch, Julian Berberich, Johannes Köhler and Frank Allgöwer, "Determining optimal input-output properties: A data-driven approach",2020. arXiv:

  • Anne Koch, Julian Berberich and Frank Allgöwer, "Provably robust verification of dissipativity properties from data", 2020. arXiv:

  • Tim Martin and Frank Allgöwer, "Dissipativity verification with guarantees for polynomial systems from noisy input-

  • state data", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2020.

  • Tim Martin and Frank Allgöwer, "Data-driven inference on optimal input-output properties of polynomial systems with focus on nonlinearity measures", 2021. arXiv:

  • Anne Romer, Julian Berberich, Johannes Köhler and Frank Allgöwer, "One-shot verification of dissipativity properties from input-output data", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2019.

Day 5: Tue, 15.06.2021
Data-Driven Decision Making and the Scenario Approach, by Marco Campi.
An Introduction to Optimization on Smooth Manifolds, by Nicolas Boumal.

09:00 - 10:20: Presentations and discussions of some relevant papers

10:20 - 10:40: Break

10:40 - 12:30: Q&A session with Marco Campi (pre-recorded lectures are available here on YouTube)

14:00 - 15:50: Lecture by Nicolas Boumal

15:50 - 16:10: Break

16:10 - 17:30: Presentations and discussions of some relevant papers

Relevant work:

Day 4 & Day 5: Presentations and discussions of some relevant papers - details

The summer school is also as an occasion to interact and share ideas. This is why we have reserved some time slots to discuss together some of the relevant papers in the field of data-driven control. Each slot consists of a short presentation + discussion. You are welcome to join via zoom and take part in the discussions!


The detailed schedule is presented in the NEWS! section.