Foundation Models for Decision Making


Call for Submissions

We invite submissions in the area of foundation models and decision making on topics such as, but not limited to:

Please visit the front page for a more detailed summary of what we are excited about. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions. Submissions can range from 4 - 10 pages in NeurIPS or ICLR format, where shorter submissions with proof-of-concept demonstrations with live demos, code, and blog posts are welcome.

Submission Instructions

Important dates

Submission site:

Double-blind reviewing. The reviewing process will be double blind. Authors are responsible for anonymizing submissions. In particular, author names,  affiliations, and acknowledgements should not be included in your submission. You should avoid providing any identifying information (even in the supplementary material).

Dual-submission policy.  Submissions to this workshop is non-archival. We welcome submissions of ongoing and unpublished work, including papers that are under review at any venue (including ICLR 2023). Work that have been previously published or accepted for publication at any venue will not be considered. Policy on dual submissions applies for the entire duration of the reviewing process.