Ryan Tanaka, George Papadimitriou, Sai Charan Viswanath, Cong Wang, Eric Lyons, Komal Thareja, Chengyi Qu, Alicia Esquivel, Ewa Deelman, Anirban Mandal, Prasad Calyam, Michael Zink. Automating Edge-to-cloud Workflows for Science: Traversing the Edge-to-cloud Continuum with Pegasus. In 2022 CCGrid Cloud2Things Workshop. Best paper award!
George Papadimitriou, Eric Lyons, Cong Wang, Komal Thareja, Ryan Tanaka, Paul Ruth, Ivan Rodero, Ewa Deelman, Michael Zink, Anirban Mandal. Fair sharing of network resources among workflow ensembles. Cluster Comput (2021).
E. Lyons, H. Saplakoglu, M. Zink, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, C. Qu, S. Wang, P. Calyam, G. Papadimitriou, R. Tanaka, and E. Deelman. FlyNet: A Platform to Support Scientific Workflows from theEdge to the Core for UAV Applications. In 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Leicester, UK, 2021
E. Lyons, D. Westbrook, A. Grote, G. Papadimitriou, K. Thareja, C. Wang, M. Zink, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, and P. Ruth, “An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing,” in Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, Cham, 2020, p. 311–319