I decided to put my 800 mm on the Z9 and see if I could get lucky enough to get one crossing the moon. One thing I immediately noticed was that no matter what I set my camera settings at in terms of ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture, the moon was totally blown out in the EVF. After some discussion this morning with a friend he told me I should try to change the starlight mode and see if that helps. I will hopefully try that tonight.

Nice catch with the Jet! Did you try spot metering? That usually works for me or just go manual and chimp a few shots to dial it in. The moon is a obviously a sun-lit object so the sunny 16 rule is a good place to start.

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Lovely shot, and I'm extremely jealous. I got close to taking a shot like this once while setting up for an eclipse. I saw the plane, pressed the release, and....nothing happened until the plane had flown past the moon. I had the camera on exposure delay mode e24fc04721

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