Advanced Search

Fluent supports special characters in the search input field to broaden the number of results based on various patterns.

Please note advanced search parameters work only with dictionary terms; it is not searching their definitions.

Percentage Sign %

The percent sign % is the wildcard parameter. A wildcard matches any sequence of zero or more characters from where the % is inserted into the search input field.


  • The s% pattern that uses the percent sign wildcard % matches any string that starts with s, such as the words son, sun, and snow.

  • The %er pattern matches any string that ends with er, like meter, clever, etc.

  • And the %per% pattern matches any string that contains per such as percent and peeper.

Underscore _

The underscore _ wildcard matches any single character.


  • The h_nt pattern matches hunt, hint, etc.

  • The __pple pattern matches topple, supple, tipple, etc.

  • The r__n_r pattern matches any word starting with r, followed by any two characters, then an n in the fourth character position, and then any character followed by an r. So this will return matches like raindrop, and runner.

Combining % and _

The advanced search characters can be combined for even more advanced pattern searching


  • The _op% pattern returns bop, cop, copier, roping

  • The f_st% pattern returns fast, fist, fasten, fester

  • The %ous_ pattern returns arouse, bakehouse, douse

See also: