Towards open-ended evolution in cellular automata through mass conservation and parameter localization
Erwan Plantec, Gautier Hamon, Mayalen Etcheverry, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Clément Moulin-Frier, Bert Wang-Chak Chan
Inria Flowers and Google Deepmind
The Flow-lenia paper has received the Best Paper Award at the ALIFE 2023 conference.
Open-access article:
The design of complex self-organising systems producing life-like phenomena, such as the open-ended evolution of virtual creatures, is one of the main goals of artificial life. Lenia, a family of cellular automata (CA) generalizing Conway's Game of Life to continuous space, time and states, has attracted a lot of attention because of the wide diversity of self-organizing patterns it can generate. Among those, some spatially localized patterns (SLPs) resemble life-like artificial creatures and display complex behaviors. However, those creatures are found in only a small subspace of the Lenia parameter space and are not trivial to discover, necessitating advanced search algorithms. Furthermore, each of these creatures exist only in worlds governed by specific update rules and thus cannot interact in the same one. This paper proposes as mass-conservative extension of Lenia, called Flow Lenia, that solve both of these issues. We present experiments demonstrating its effectiveness in generating SLPs with complex behaviors and show that the update rule parameters can be optimized to generate SLPs showing behaviors of interest. Finally, we show that Flow Lenia enables the integration of the parameters of the CA update rules within the CA dynamics, making them dynamic and localized, allowing for multi-species simulations, with locally coherent update rules that define properties of the emerging creatures, and that can be mixed with neighbouring rules. We argue that this paves the way for the intrinsic evolution of self-organized artificial life forms within continuous CAs


100 random patterns in Lenia (left) and Flow Lenia (right). Sampled parameters sets are the same in the two systems.
Flow Lenia

Dancing worms !

Division and fusion ! (2-channels)

Temperature (increasing from left to right)

Complex dynamics and phase transition

Snake-like pattern

Temperature again, increasing through time.
Optimizing Flow Lenia creatures

Angular motion

Navigation through obstacles

Directed motion

Towards intrinsic evolution

Flow Lenia formulation allows to localize rule parameters inside the system. For instance, we can embed a vector weighting the importance of each kernel and let those values flow together with matter which results in having different "species" (i.e different update rules) in the same simulation. We also add random mutations in the form of beams striking on random areas adding a gaussian noise to the touched parameters. Ultimately, this mechanism could lead to intrinsic open-ended evolutionary processes where common pool (see next section of food resources could act as an intrinsic selective pressure.

Large scale simulation. World is initialized with 144 creatures in a 1024x1024 world. 200k timesteps simulation.
Adding food resources

Flow Lenia easily allows to add environmental features as well as limitations for the creatures. In these experiments, creatures see their mass constantly decrease. The only way they can grow their mass and avoid vanishing is by consuming food depicted by the blue squares. They can consume food by digesting it with the red channel which, when in contact with food, transforms it in matter. We can already see interesting behaviors emerging. In the upper right video, we can see that the bottom left creature is static at the start, but, when its mass decays it changes its shape and grows a sort of "mouth" allowing it to heads towards food and consume it showing some sort of adaptive behavior. Also, in the bottom left video, we can see a division phenomenon triggered by mass growth.