Creative enquiry submissions

As part of the Flourishing in medicine symposium, 3rd Sept, 2020, we are inviting submissions for an online display on our website of creative enquiry pieces and reflections regarding our themes 'Flourishing in Medicine' and 'We need to talk about COVID'. See submissions list below.

This runs in parallel with the lockdown project 'Interpretive voices', theme number 5, 'Flourishing in Medicine', a co-creative clinician and medical student team facilitating different themes for creative enquiry responses followed by 3 weekly zoom meetings.

You may use any creative medium for your presentation, for example: music, dance, monologue, painting, photography, prose, poetry, sculpture, accompanied by written reflection (limited to approximately 500 words). Click here for other examples.

A springboard may be the Jump Fall Fly film 'Boom' which is part of the pre-conference material.

Creative enquiry submissions Contents:

COVID-19 Trilogy in 17 (Haiku) by Hedy Wald

Going viral by Rachel McCoubrie

The COVID toll in May by Rachel McCoubrie

Alphabet news by Rachel McCoubrie

Virtual Reality by Freya Elliott

The Closed Door Anon

Hidden hands Anon

Plastic bag by Harris Nageswaran

Is it just me? by Kathleen Wenaden

Solitude by Grace Catchpole

Screen between by Hester Toovey

No new notifications by Harris Nageswaran

Virtuality by Shelli