florist richmond


For florists that own a floral business attracting foot traffic in your flower shop can be challenging. It is important for florists that have a brick-and-mortar store to maintain a comfortable level of profit from their retail space as well as their eCommerce floral website in order to keep business booming.

There are various ways to boost your in-store flower sales by attracting new visitors to your shop. Succulent Bars are a great addition to your flower shop, implementation is super easy, with little investment, no labor, and impressive profits.

The objective is to allow customers to come into your flower shop and create their own succulent gardens, we will call it “DIY with observation.” Customers can choose to create succulent gardens according to the size of the container they select. They will also choose their succulents as well as any miscellaneous add-ons.

Generally, the soil, pebbles/ rocks, and sand is included free, customers pay for container/s as well as each succulent they select. They can create their very own succulent garden in your flower shop designated Succulent Bar area or take contents home to create.

If a Succulent Bar at your flower shop sounds like something you would like to try, then I would consider getting started now with the 3 easy steps below. With Fall just around the corner, it is a great time to get started.

Step One

Succulent bar supplies

Step Two

Step Three


The first step to getting started with a succulent bar is preparing your flower shop space. Select a section large enough to display various succulents, containers, and miscellaneous supplies.

You can opt for a counter height table where your customers can design their succulent garden either with seating or without. The design of the space look and feel is entirely up to you. All you need to do is make sure it is comfortable, and all supplies are handy for the customers to grab and design.


So now that we have the Succulent Bar space ready all we need is the actual supplies. You can grab various succulents at many different locations, flower wholesale suppliers and sometimes your best deals are at large home hardware stores- there is one hardware store in particular that starts with an H and ends with a T (two words ) you can order 100 pack 2″ potted succulents at a great price. Stock up on different varieties.


Succulents/ Cactus – Single potted, small, medium-sized & large.

Aprons – I love the idea of offering or hanging up some aprons with your flower shop logo that customers can grab and put on. This is a great touch.

Hand Shovels – Find ones in keeping with your look and feel.

Stylish Unique Containers – The succulent containers are what yields you the highest profits. Shop around for beautiful containers and make sure to mark them up correctly. Purchase small, medium, large and xl large sizes.

Succulent / Cactus Soil– Stock up on succulent soil be sure it’s the correct soil for long-lasting succulent gardens.

Pebbles, Rocks & Sand– This for the pretty decorative top layer

Pretty Add Ons– Totally optional whimsical add-ons such as butterflies, birds, you get the idea. Kids really love these.



Burro’s Tail

Echeveria (Customer Top Pick)

Flaming Katy

Jade Plant


Pincushion Cactus

Hens and Chicks/Sempervivum tectorum (Customer Top Pick)

String Of Pearls (These look amazing in succulent gardens)

Zebra Plant (Easy Care)

Succulent Care: Succulents prefer several hours of sunlight, very strong direct sunlight can burn them if placing them outside. For indoors keep them in a spot that gets lots of sunlight. Watering is best done when they are completely dry however different variations will require a bit more watering. Drainage is very important please purchase the correct soil.


Once your space is ready and you have your supply now all you need to do is Market your New Succulent Bar to customers.

Start with your existing customers, send newsletters out and offer a free container with purchase can be a smaller size. Do the same on social media with images, get the buzz going. Find succulent groups on Facebook you will see thousands upon thousands of members post your offerings there.

Start a Succulent Bar loyalty system( purchase 5 containers get one free) or friends and family discounts. Consider opening late one night to cater to the after-hours crowd. Call your local newspaper, local tv news station- let them know about your New Succulent Bar Offering. Get your community involved, reach out to schools to partake – this is great fun and educational. There are so many ways to market your new succulent bar you are only limited by your imagination.

Website Succulent Bar


If you do not have a flower shop, go ahead and post a Succulent Bar on your floral eCommerce website. Much the same way it is implemented in a flower shop -customers will select their container/s and succulents on a designated url page of your floral website.

Delivery will include soil and rocks/pebbles with a purchase that customers will DIY at home. If you are going the eCommerce floral website route be sure to have pretty packaging for the rocks/soil with your logo.

The concept of a succulent bar is much more then what it seems, it is a way to bring a community together. A great past time for family and friends to partake in opening a whole new set of customer demographics into your flower shop. If there are more things on your list and you would like to have a chat please feel free to contact flower delivery richmond bc