TMS Therapy In Tampa

TMS Therapy Florida

Florida TMS Clinic Thinks Outside The Pillbox

There must be an alternative to taking pills?
Tampa, FL's Leading TMS Therapy Specialist

Florida TMS clinic in Tampa can offer you an alternative to medication. TMS therapy can go further and can provide a highly effective and long term solution to managing and living with the symptoms of mental illness and ultimately treats depression and anxiety.


Constant sadness, no joy, no energy, no focus, bad sleep, poor eating, nervousness? These symptoms describe the effects of depression, anxiety, mood disorders and many other mental health conditions.

Side effects?

Weight gain, poor sex life, dizziness, stomach problems, medication to counteract medication? Some lucky ones get better with medication. But about a third of people battling depression find they do not improve with antidepressants or pharmaceutical remedies

It has been developed in the UK by the first TMS manufacturer in the world, using 3D navigation to accurately guide the treatment.

  • Florida TMS clinic treats depression differently.

  • Florida TMS clinic provides an alternative treatment for depression that is effective. That is Practical and affordable with no systemic side effects.

  • Florida TMS clinic has the latest and greatest TMS medical technology for depression treatment.

Florida TMS Clinic did the impossible in a corrupted health care system.

Florida TMS Clinic uses the most advanced TMS technology

Stimguide is the latest TMS system approved by the FDA

It has been developed in the UK by the first TMS manufacturer in the world

using 3D navigation to accurately guide the treatment.

The Florida TMS Clinic psychiatrist is double board-certified in medicine and psychiatry.

Florida TMS clinic has the latest and greatest TMS medical technology for depression treatment.

He received his TMS training at Duke.

All TMS Therapy Services In One Place

Florida TMS Clinic has what it takes to help you live a happier, healthier, more meaningful life.

Living with depression and other mental health conditions is often life-robbing and even more challenging when treatment after treatment doesn’t seem to help. Medications often lose their efficacy and lead to undesired side effects for many people suffering from mental illness.

Dr. Bowarshi, a dual board-certified physician in psychiatry and internal medicine, is a Duke University Certified TMS Therapy Specialist with experience in treating patients suffering from depression and other mood disorders who have not received a benefit from traditional forms of medicine and therapy.

At Florida TMS Clinic, a Tampa TMS provider, Dr. Bowarshi only uses the best, up to date, technologically advanced forms of treatment. Currently, he uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS therapy) to treat resistant psychiatric conditions, helping all his TMS patients both from Tampa and out of state, to have an increased quality of life. Many of his patients have been enabled by TMS treatments to experience long-lasting states of remission.

  • Spa-like Atmosphere

  • Best TMS Therapy Technology

  • Relaxing Environment

  • TMS Specialist Services

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

TMS Therapy Treatment

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a series of repetitive, brief and highly focused magnetic pulses, used to stimulate specific neurons in the brain. TMS is an effective, non-invasive, outpatient treatment with few known adverse effects and no systemic side effects. TMS is currently used in the treatment of depression and is prescribed when antidepressant medications have failed.

When a nerve cell ‘fires’, an electrical impulse travels along its length. It communicates with other nerve cells by releasing neurotransmitters, which create an electrical impulse in other cells.

In depressed patients, the electrical activity in certain areas of the brain have been shown to be reduced. TMS uses a focused electromagnetic coil, to rapidly pulse a magnetic field to the targeted area of the brain.

The magnetic pulses induce an electrical current in the brain, stimulating the nerve cells, increasing the brain activity to normal levels.

Click here to learn more about how TMS works.

Florida TMS Clinic is a mood disorders clinic that provides innovative clinical mental health services designed to meet the needs of our Tampa TMS patients at every stage of treatment.

Our focus is the utilization of the most advanced forms of TMS treatment in psychiatric medicine including and not limited to depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress. substance abuse and more.

As Dr. Bowarshi is board certified in both internal medicine and psychiatry, our comprehensive treatment at Florida TMS clinic offers an integrative and holistic approach to treating psychiatric mood disorders/Major depression which considers all our patients both mentally and physically. The whole being.

Florida TMS Clinic is a mood disorders clinic that provides innovative clinical mental health services designed to meet the needs of our Tampa TMS patients at every stage of treatment.

Major Depressive Disorder

Florida TMS Clinic is a mood disorder clinic that primarily focuses on the utilization of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to treat certain psychiatric conditions, such as depression. We are the first TMS clinic in the Tampa Bay area to be able to offer StimGuide 3D Navigation TMS Therapy from Magstim, a TMS system that offers multiple types of TMS stimulation. Major depressive disorder is a serious condition that not only affects one’s mental health but left untreated, can also have a significant impact on physical health. Learn more about this debilitating condition.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Depression and anxiety go hand in hand. About 60% of patients experiencing anxiety have comorbid depression and vice versa. It is often the case the treatment for both mood disorders is somewhat similar. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation provides an alternative treatment for both depression and anxiety. Florida TMS Clinic offers complimentary TMS anxiety treatment to patients receiving TMS depression treatment.

Click here to learn more about TMS therapy for anxiety.

Do you have questions about how TMS works? What conditions are treated? Who qualifies? Not sure which type of TMS is best? Our free guide explains it all, and will give you more certainty when it comes to TMS therapy.

One of the biggest benefits of TMS treatment at Florida TMS clinic is replacing pharmaceutical medication with a pulsed magnetic field. If you do suffer from a mental illness such as depression or anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress or any other depressive symptom, you have probably been prescribed a variety of medications and experienced many common side effects as well as the not-so-common side effects.

TMS in Tampa at the Florida TMS clinic eradicates chemical drug treatments and thereby the associated side effects. It can be daunting to invest hope, time and money into new treatments when you have continued to live with mental illness, depression symptoms and the side effects of medications.