I am a Professor at KU Leuven and Associate Professor at Tilburg University. My research is predominantly in applied microeconomic theory, with a focus on industrial organization. In particular, I use the tools of game theory and information economics to study the design of the patent system. You can find out more on my research page.

KU Leuven, Department of Economics, room HOG 02.123

Naamsestraat 69 - box 3565, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

florian.schuett (at) kuleuven (dot) be

Tilburg University, Department of Economics, room K456

PO Box 90153, 5000LE Tilburg, The Netherlands

f.schuett (at) tilburguniversity (dot) edu

Heat map of iso-welfare curves with patent-policy reforms (e: examination intensity, phi_A: pre-grant fees, logarithmic scale), taken from Schankerman & Schuett (2022)