Flo Longhorn 

sensory books

 apps & videos 

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Hello! Please note!

I am happy for you to have my books ( plus other generous authors) to use them in your work or play with very special children and adults. Just remember that many were written years ago when there was hardly any information or research around. What education there was, had to be led by a very inappropriate, subject based UK national curriculum. Some of the terminology/subject labels may be old fashioned but the philosophy and sensory dominance still remains constant as always.... Sensory always rules okay!

Flo Longhorn-March  2024            flopmld@gmail.com

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Apps for learners with special and complex needs

Flo Longhorn

This new  book brings the art of using apps  & tablets              up to date since Flo wrote her first book , twelve years ago.

It offers over 200 (mainly free) researched apps that are pertinent to the learning patterns of very special learners. 

They are combined with a predominant sensory approach and early levels of thinking.

Although sadly,  there are few recent pieces of relevant research in this area, there is reference to some up to date research of interest. 

Good apping !

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Special stories:  

          Call & response please!

Keith Park & PJ Pilcher 

with Flo Longhorn


Keith Park is well known for his work and writings on special needs drama/poetry.

  PJ Pilcher is an artistic young man who illustrates the text.

Call & response pieces covering Shakespearean. biblical & pantomime drama with short verses thrown in!


Multisensory art : flip flap fun

Clare Hobson

edited by Flo Longhorn

Special art teacher Clare 

offers an intriguing book of one-sentence art ideas 

playful games 

 sensory experiences with simple resources.

Whilst adult initiated, they are child led.

Each page offers six ways of approaching creative sensory art!


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Sensory drama

 for very special people

A classic resource book, full of practical ideas for simple dramas which are relevant and fun 

Including circle-time dramas

Communication plays  a major part in the book

 Drama gives the very special learner an opportunity to be powerful

and assertive  as part of a dramatic process.




Sensory art 

for very special people

Creativity through the senses

from tasty art, smelly art, visual and sound art

  moving art or a dip into creative touch.

The book also covers a range of art techniques at the simplest levels of emerging creativity.

The art is also for students and adults with project work about famous artists  or paintings.





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Sensory cookery for very special people

Very special chidren & adults enjoy cookery for the same reasons as everyone else

cooking and eating the end result!

 Sensory cooking-uses all the senses to explore, experience, engage and participate

It is a life skill in which they can succeed and excel

The book includes, 'one-step cookery' and  world sensory cookery

Mix , blend and cook up a practical cookery curriculum!



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The Sensology workout: Waking up the senses

This book offers a platform of waking up the senses each day

, in order to engage and learn from the surrounding world.

 The senses need to be up and running in order to jolt the little grey cells into thinking!

 Sensology offers insights into sensory research, loads of sensory exercises and ideas These can be used as a group workout or 'wake-up call' for an individual.

 It also includes the original sensory 'happiness audit'.


*There are two parts to this important book, there is important info on a CD rom that was sent out with the hard copy books.

send an email to flopmld@gmail.com 

and a copy will be sent to you by email



for very special people

An in-depth resource for a multisensory approach to numeracy

 For learners beginning to engage  in simple  numeracy 

 It includes hundreds of practical examples of presenting sensory numeracy

 Aimed at giving depth to early levels of mathematics

 It also looks at host curricula

 Maths is found  in massage, parachute play and cookery. 


shoe boxes update .m4v

A Shoebox Stories movie-Enjoy!

click on image to play

Literacy_with_cover_2020 copy .pdf


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Literacy for very special people

A multisensory approach to reading, writing and communication

multisensory based

  ideas such as poetry pockets, sensory dramas, creating and making books

literacy through poetry, drama, literature and making  marks on the world

 It also offers opportunities to become literate in communication and emotions


An illuminated shoe box story


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Enhancing education through the use of UV light and fluorescing materials

The book covers policies

use of dark  rooms

 'learning to look' 

uvl in the art curriculum 

and many resources........


This book maybe scientifically out-of-date

 so you must update health and safety use of materials and equipment

 online or through your local health & safety department.


Sex education & sexuality for very special people

When this book was written there was very little information on this subject, it was taboo and not seen as relevant to very special people.

 However information and resources have improved since then. So do use the book but in the light of current changes from when it was written in the 1990's.

 Readers should refer to current guidelines/policies/law in this area.

Very special learners are human beings with all that entailsincluding sexuality.

This book contains realistic information, ideas, activities and schemes of work-including themes such as  personal/social growth,  solo sex, sensuality, male/female resources and more....




Sensory science national curriculum:

 for very special people

This book is rather dated but have a glance through.....

This book opens a scientific door to provide sensory science for very special learners although written nearly 30 years ago.

 How wide the scientific door is opened for them depends on their unique patterns of learning and the vision of those who work with them.

 It offers a dip into science activities, lessons and activities and resources to inspire the special scientist.


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Religious education for very special children

This title should really have been 'spirituality for all' but had to comply with the bigotted demands of the early 1990's.

 Spirituality is part and parcel of every human being.

 By including this element in education, itoffers a deeper dimension to life and living for very special people.

 The book offers many ideas that encompass beliefs or non-beliefs, with multisensory approaches to spirituality.


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Planning a multisensory massage programme for very special people

This book looks at massage in the context of a multisensory  programme for very special children/adults

Multisensory massage is used to stimulate many of the senses in a meaningful way.

Readers should refer to current safety/protection policies in their working/home environment.



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Prerequisites to learning for very special learners

This classic text looks at the suitcase of early skills needed to access learning

learning to look


 be part of a group

 control movements and behaviours

 the first steps in beginning  to think.

It provides detailed observations of these early steps to learning.


Readers of this book should update to the  UK 2020 engagement document ( revised in 2022) which will  enrich and expand an understanding of prerequisites to learning.



curriculum development and Gemma.mp4

 Curriculum development through observation 1983


One year on-Gemma 1984

Click on the image to play

Historic films made in 1983/1984

These innovative and historic films were made in 1983/1984 by 'Video Communications' Northampton Health Authority, just 12 years after very special children were allowed by law, to go to school( 1971). They were made at Wren Spinney School Kettering and won a Gold Award for innovation from the British Medical Association, 1985

Remembering with affection and pride, all the children, families, staff and  film makers who made these films together in harmony

Curriculum development through observation (1983)

This film shows the beginning of sensory education for very special pupils, in a UK school setting.   Flo Longhorn  was the head teacher at the time and the film director was Frances Palmer.

 One year on-Gemma (1984)

This short film shows the development of a pupil Gemma over a year, from when the film above was first made. It was to celebrate Gemma's progress and to validate the sensory approach in special education.

Communication with the special child-  A multisensory approach (1983)

This innovative film shows Wren Spinney school developing the work of Veronica Sherborne with a group of very special children. There was no physiotherapist at the school, the  music and movement programme was developed by staff and the music  teacher ( Harry Clark-Salvation Army) provided the accordion. The adults are mainly parents with some  staff. Listen to the background sounds from the children during the session, significant communications from them and so enthralling!

Videos  above and  below click on image to play



      with the    special child:                                 a multisensory approach


  Original sensory curriculum book 1984

The following book is the original one written in the summer holidays of 1984, about 13 years after special education was set in UK law.The contents came directly from the children, staff and families associated with Wren Spinney school, Kettering. There were very few older pupils as life expectancy, without medical intervention such as tube feeding, was very limited beyond early teenager years.

 It was created  with innovative, observation documents, the local library, a Mont Blanc pen,  typewriter, pencil, rubber and lined foolscap paper.  There were no computers, photocopiers, internet, websites or search engines. It was reproduced on a Banda hand cranked machine and distributed freely by post, all over the country. Word of mouth was the carrier.

It has just been officially published in  2021


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Planning a sensory curriculum and sensory banks for the very special child: a practical approach to curriculum planning

 Flo Longhorn


This book was written because of the desperate need to have a credible sensory curriculum for unique learners. It was also written to give credence to the power of observation for planning and evaluating. This comes  from intense observation of the responses of the very special learner,  not by using a prescription offered from distant experts.

 The book also enabled others to grasp the opportunity to intently focus on how to successfully educate such special children/students. Then, to courageously devise and provide amazing, relevant multisensory curriculum for their own very special learners.

The two videos shown on this website reflect the writings in the book.




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Making friends with Johanna : communicating with very special people

  Johanna de Haas & family

 Edited by Flo Longhorn 2003

Johanna & her family have been faithful friends to me for many years. 

She taught me how to listen & learn  about unusual communications 

 To create your own language is amazing, and this is what very special people have to do in order for us to make sense of the world that surrounds them.

 This book gives insight into how Johanna did this in her short

 but amazing life.



A feast of music:

music and drama for all

Volumes 1 and 2

Diane Haylor & Sue Bradshaw

with Flo Longhorn

Diane and Sue  worked with great delight and enthusiasm, with special children, for many years. Diane also held the role of head of performing arts until her retirement, then continuing on  in life with her creative arts, drama and role of grandmother.

The two books were created with very special actors and had  many successful performances. They offer complete scenarios, down to the smallest detail of producing a successful drama for all.



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A sensory curriculum for very special people:

a practical approach to curriculum planning

Flo Longhorn


Published by Ernest Hecht

 Souvenir Press

available in book shops and amazon

Still in print 2024!