Digital Art



  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Dimension

  • PicoCAD


  • Dithering

  • Shading

  • Lighting

  • Realisim

  • Cartoons

Hey all!

My hard drive got wiped accidentally a while back, and I no longer have a year's worth of photoshop images. The ones that I do have were done for a class, and not for presentation. Because of this, they feature copyrighted content that I have no claim to at the moment. I can assure you that I took two semesters of photoshop and illustrator at Laguna Blanca. I apologise for not having much content on this page, but I don't want to steal any content.

The art on the left I made for a game's promotional material. I made it using photoshop.