Exercise 8 - Design Hazard Remediations

Exercise 8

Solutions to potential hazards regarding LiFi:

Foreseeable Misuses:

  • LiFi module used to transmit illegal data
      • Restrict specific file types from being transferred and monitor activity from the cloud
  • Interception of LiFi module connections resulting in data loss
      • Implement a security feature which checks the transmitter/receiver before transferring data
  • Illegal peer-to-peer file transfer
      • Restrict specific file types from being transferred and monitor activity from the cloud

Changes that may occur during the useful lifetime:

  • Changes in file transfer protocol
      • Create a robust program that proactively checks for new file protocols
  • Owner of product changes hand (Security breach)
      • Clear cached data on a routine basis to eliminate the possibility of data loss
  • Changes in file format and standards
      • Create a robust program that proactively checks for new file standards

Disposal after the useful life has ended:

  • Product can still contain sensitive data
      • Clear cached data on a routine basis to eliminate the possibility of data loss
  • Product is improperly disposed of
      • Properly label components with correct recycling standards
  • Product may contain parts that are hard to recycle
      • Indicate which items are to be recycled or incentivize with a 'buy-back' program