Exercise 3 - Solution Development

Exercise 3

Design Problem

Internet speeds are slow and prohibit users from doing fast file transfers.

The Business Perspective

From a businesses perspective, the LiFi product needs to be developed so that future improvements can be made and established needs can be quickly addressed. The idea and proposed solution has to be something that is unique and patentable so that the business can make a profit and fund their own research and further development of the product. Additionally, the solution needs to be both time and cost effective so that consumers will be swayed towards buying this product as oppose to that of a competitor. The overall LiFi module in the proposed solution will need to be expendable and affordable so that consumers can easily 'upgrade' their home to a LiFi capable space. Keeping initial prices low will drive more consumer funding of the product and then larger usage and service fees can be applied which will help fund research and product development. Overall, the business is in place to develop the product and make it marketable to consumers, while also making a profit and continuing research and growth.

The Consumer Perspective

From the consumers perspective, the LiFi module needs to be simplistic and affordable. The consumer will be managing multiple connections to different devices and they will need to easily monitor and track the usage of incoming and out-coming LiFi connections from their devices. An additional UI will be developed so that users can monitor file sharing from their devices, this UI will need to be user friendly and expendable so that it can be provisioned to multiple devices at once. The LiFi module will communicate with other LiFi modules in the general vicinity by sending packets over the visible light spectrum. The exact specifications of this will need to be large enough so that it spans throughout the entirety of a consumers living space without interruption. Lastly, the backend architecture of the LiFi module will need to be developed so that the module functions according to the specification sheet.