Exercise 1 - Needs Assessment

Exercise 1

Identify needs that justify an electrical or computer engineering problem solving-effort:

In a typical engineering design problem, several factors and needs should be considered in order to develop a full understanding of the problem. When developing new ideas or beginning a problem-solving effort, it is generally best to look at an existing product and find any fixable flaws with it. For example, take note of the safety or product quality which occurs over its useful life. If a product is unsafe, or fails before its end-of-life point, then it may be a good time to start exploring other options.

Other ways of improving existing products can include eliminating shortcomings in the original design or incorporating new technologies. Sometimes the population that uses the product can change, meaning the needs that they had when the product was invented are different than the needs that they currently exhibit. Other times, a product is developed that serves a specific purpose, but is not easily manufacturable or producible. In cases like this, redesigning the product is a goof thing because it may enable consumers to access these products with greater ease.

Another need that justifies a problem solving effort might be when large companies or the government provide incentives for independents to re-engineer an existing solution. Situations like these usually create the opportunity for scientific advancement. Overall, there are several needs that should be considered before undergoing a problem solving effort.

Prepare a design proposal that justifies the need to develop a technical solution:

As a company, the Fliqr LiFi team would like to redesign and revolutionize the way internet traffic and file-sharing interactions take-place. Currently, internet users connect their devices to a router which can transmit internet signals at speeds slower than 1 Gbps. The Fliqr LiFi team is proposing that internet activity is switched from radio frequency to the visible light spectrum of frequencies. This proposed switch will enable internet users to experience speeds of almost 1 Tbps, which is nearly 1000x faster.

The Fliqr LiFi team has been an ongoing research team based out of Hoboken NJ, at the prestigious Stevens Institute of Technology. With over 2 years of development and research into LiFi, the team is hypothesizing that the switch to LiFi will generate better business models for companies, and it will greatly increase local internet speeds for consumers. This overall product development will revolutionize the way wireless communications works, and how it will shape the future.

Over the next year, the team plans to further expand their proof of concept and make LiFi a reality. The first prototype circuit board has been created, and it will be used to develop the production model which will be available in late 2020. The team expects, based on their research, that the usage of LiFi will increase internet availability to consumers and make existing connections more efficient.

The production LiFo modules will be sold all around the world for as little as $20 USD. This affordable option will not only increase internet availability, but it will also enhance the user experience of existing users. The LiFi team is proud to announce the expected sale of LiFi modules on or about May of 2020. Please stay tuned for further announcements regarding the LiFi project!