Student Feedback

Below you'll find the complete, unedited responses to a survey I sent my students after the W deadline about their opinions on the flipped classroom.

What is something you LIKE about the flipped classroom - watching videos outside of class and doing more activities in worksheets in class?

I like watching the videos because I can go back to them when I don't understand something. I like doing the worksheets because it is nice to work with people around me.

the worksheets in class

I like that if I missed something I can go back to the videos to clarify/study from.

I like the variety of different activities/ways to learn

I like that it allows us to know what the next class will be covering which makes it a lot easier to understand

That I can rewatch it


It's a nice getaway from a standard lecture. Feels engaging, I can re-watch the videos as needed.

Worksheets are more interesting than lectures

I do like doing the worksheets in class as you or other students are there to help me get through it.

I really love the fact that I can go back amd.refer to the videos during my homework!! Also that gives me enough time to really figure out what questiona I need to ask the following day.

I liked how we can get to interact with other students. Watching videos outside is awesome because you can also go back to the videos to rewatch and learn/take notes.

I enjoy the way its set up, but i do think the flipped classroom lends itself towards are class with longer lecture time. but the videos do help you keep up to date, given that you have time.

i can always go back and watch the videos

I like that we have more time to practice actual problems and ask questions, instead of taking the notes in class.

It seems more natural to learning. It makes more sense to approuch a teacher with a question (that is to have gone over the material and found out what you don't understand fully) than to go to a teacher with an empty mind (in terms of the subject) waiting for it to be filled.

We are able to have time to practice what was taught in the videos and ask questions if needed

I like doing worksheets in class and having opportunities to do the homework in class as well

Having the videos is nice because you can watch them as many times as you need until you feel comfortable with the material.

The videos are more detailed than what you learn in class and the worksheets are good review to make sure you understand the information.

You have the videos to go back and watch to understand better

oh, I love it, great stuff

You can watch it any time that fits your schedule.

I can watch the videos as many times as i want and take my sweet time watching them so that my notes are pretty

I like being able to have time in class to do activities and have the ability to ask questions rather than have a bunch of questions when I'm doing the activities at home.

Both. I can learn the material better when there is more practice in class.

I don't it's way to hard

the ability to rewatch videos 1000x.

Class goes by quicker and it's more fun

I like it because I can find my own answer.

watching videos outside of class

I love worksheets. They are fun lol

Replayable video lectures, can watch before a test,

gives us more time to ask questions about hw and lecture notes

I can repeat the video if I did not understand something in the lecture

There is more interaction and questions we can ask

i get help with hands on stuff in class

Class is more interesting, especially being so early

I can look back at videos for review


I can watch the videos again if I don't understand or I can watch them as review

I can rematch the videos as many time as I like. I like the worksheets but I wish we had more opportunities for homework in class

What is something you dislike about the flipped classroom?

nothing (3)

Sometimes I feel like others dont try on the worksheets and copy others instead of thinking on their own.

Watching the videos at home

The material isn't going at the pace of the class so say if I''m struggling with a concept you aren't physically there to explain. Also I have to find time outside of class to watch the videos which can be difficult.

Group projects

Sometimes the videos are too long and time consuming

being able to ask questions

The length of the videos may be a con. But I understand why and believe it it beneficial. Some of my classmates may not have the time to watch it all. But you are very specific in your lectures, which is greatly appreciated!

There is no point of coming to class

sometimes it is difficult just watching the videos if you don't understand something.

I don't dislike anything, I think it's the best way to teach math but especially statistics

i dont like how we have a project to do on top of watching the videos. its just too much

project and too many videos

The hardest part is the discipline to not get distracted by life when I'm not in class.

That I can not ask the professor question's when I am still confused.

Sometimes with the videos I want to ask questions when something isn't broken down enough for me.

Having to watch a lot of long videos.

give me a more "online" type feel sort of like going to class is optional kind of feel

It worked out great for me.

That sometimes it takes a lot of time to watch the videos

lots of videos :/

Some weeks I feel like I get behind on the concepts and would prefer a straightforward lecture. It varies by week for me personally, depending on how much outside time I have for the videos.

Sometimes we don't go over things in the videos

There are added hours of class time each week outside of class to complete the work needed.

when going trough the lecture sometimes I have a question that I would like to ask and usually I forget by the time i get to class

I didn't dislike anything about it.

if you can't keep up with the videos, say if your week gets busy. Granted if you watch them on 1.5x speed it's easier to catch up

sometimes if i have a question or confused at home i forget to bring my questions to class

some activities are not as useful as others. Also you can also skim through the videos, so taking notes may not be as effective.

Nothing. It simply makes more sense.

Being that the videos are online and easily accessable it is easy to forget and not prioritize watching the videos

Can't say, I guess if I really had to nitpick something it would be videos outside of class can be hard on top of all the other homework we have but it's manageable

Not going further in depth with the material while in class.

sometimes you have questions relating to the

It's more helpful and easier to understand to have teacher do notes in class

if you dont watch the videos your screwed, but their very helpful

If you have a question there's no immediate feedback.

Sometimes having a ton of 8-15min videos to watch outside of class can be overwhelming BUT the videos are SUPER helpful so its just setting aside time thats hard.

No complaints. Having these videos as a reference at all times is very convenient and gives us students the ability to always have something to review.

There is nothing I dislike about the flipped classroom.

That I don't learn I rather the teacher teach in person

it's more time needy/ consuming.

Sometimes my schedule does not leave enough time to watch all the videos at a decent hour. So I end up watching videos at like 2 am in order to finish.

Soooo many videos

No class interaction, Can't ask questions live, No professor-student interaction, Students can get easily distracted,


A lot of the time I don't have the time to watch the videos outside of class

i dont learn math well through videos

I have a harder time listening to videos and teaching myself, it is really helpful to have the teacher explaining it in class. I personally learn better that way, especially when it comes to math.

Sometimes I feel I need deeper explanation

I feel like it's harder to focus when it's on the student to learn more material on their own. I think it's best to use class time when learning/teaching material and having supplementary work outside of class.

Nothing really.

Nothing I can think of as right now.

What do you think could improve the course? This could help me design the next few weeks AND next semester.

Some of the videos are really long. I know you try to make them as short as possible but the ones that are 15-25 minutes long could be broken down into shorter ones. This would make it less overwhelming and perhaps more people would watch the videos.

I think you got it down.

Assign a textbook that has practice problems and go back to the basics. I'm struggling in this class for no reason because of how weird this class is setup.

JITT as extra credit

Post video lectures sooner

It's pretty good! some harder lectures should be done in class. The homework, we should have answer keys for some questions :)

I think the course itself is wonderful. The project we are doing is quite confusing.... but other than that your teaching style works for me.

balance video lectures and in class lecture

more extra credit.

I think that a group project may be too much for the course. I think that maybe more hands on activities in class might keep the class interesting.

I think that you are working the little kinks out but its working so far!

eliminate the project and the class is perfect :)

More in class worksheets that we don't hand in. If you could give us 15-20 mins to work on a worksheet then we can solve it together. I can make the mistake and learn what I did wrong without wondering if I did it right until get a grade back.

I honestly can no think of anything right now. Some of the chapters went by fast, that is all I could think of.

The chapters seem rushed sometimes. For example like each section should have the same amount of days we study. It seemed to me for example section 4 was 5-6 class days and section 6 was like 3-4 and then exam! It just seemed like the last section before the exam was less time to learn or comprehend the topic. But other than that no other improvements I can think of

longer videos should be broken up into two parts

None needed

sometimes in my case its hard to keep up with video material because its "short notice" or not good for my schedule? if all the videos were posted more ahead of time would help out. say all the next chapters content for next test posted directly after the prior chapter tests

Showing examples of the research project

I don't really know, I think you are doing an awesome job with the videos.

I think doing this survey the first few weeks of class just to see where everyone is at with the classroom flip concept. I think some students enjoy it more than others and having an even mix of lecture (specially the harder chapters)/flips would accommodate a good portion of students learning preferences.

More worksheets that have similar problems to what we'd see on tests

I can't imagine how you could improve. I think you are a top notch A+ teacher. You offer many tools, resources and guidance! And the time you must devote to cover everything so thoroughly! If I think of anything I will let you know

I would say maybe spend a whole call on review for the exam. I personally work during the CT session or else I would attend the review sessions. also I know students that have missed other classes in order to attend CT session before an exam and I feel this way it would eliminate alot of that.

Going through the lecture notes more and explaining some of the examples on the lectures.

Maybe make shorts describing key topics in a chapter or video playlist. In case people miss those points elsewhere.

This is just an idea (as improvement is wholly unnecessary). On day one or two have students read a current article where the stats are important to understanding the message of the article and have them give an opinion of what their belief levels are in the article's point of view. At some point toward or at the end of the semester, give them the same article (this would be different articles for different groups) and have them rate each opinion again. ie: faith in the author, level of confidence in the figures being presented, whether or not the author appears biased (or there is any reason for us to suspect so), How does the written context effect your understanding of the numbers and visa versa, does the publisher of the article increase or decrease your faith in the numbers presented? Can you offer a mathematical proof whether your point-of-view of the article is sound? etc... I think this may be the most useful application of what we are learning here for those who are going to be pursuing a line other than stats or another science which relies on it, while still helping those that do, to better understand the everyday of the wisdom of stats.

I think how you have it set up is great. Maybe add in some extra homework time

all is good

Maybe explain better the little rules that end up impacting the big questions

your course is great how you send us emails and stuff is super helpful

Maybe have some reference links in the description of your videos?

I think you give us a ton of awesome sources and tools to learn so I can't imagine anything that would make it even better

I don't have any suggestions to improve the class. I really think that the amount of work we have helps us learn the material and retain the information much better. This kind of material calls for a lot of work.

Maybe spread out the videos a little bit more throughout the week.

Stop flipping

keep doing what you're doing... & keep the cat jokes coming! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

Break the videos up into smaller times? Idk I'm just guessing here.

I'm sorry I have no idea. but this corse is my favorite class .Thank you.

I wish there was a tutor in the classroom can help us when we do worksheet in class. We can also ask to help us with homework that we don't understand, so it can us better understanding.

More live lectures or at least a review of them and asking the class if they understand it or if they have any question regarding the video lectures :-)

Go over practice exam before actual test, I feel like we already do this most of the time though, so I'm not sure what else.

Everything is perfect but the test are long

teach more in class and less on videos

More in class lectures ,explanation and practice questions

Drop one test score...

I liked the old format more. Teaching in class and less worksheets-- videos are too easy to procrastinate on watching for me.

I think the way the course is now is actually really good. We can ask questions in class or over email. I understand things really well because of how the course is designed.

Add homework time to class