Papers (w/o abstracts)
Working Papers
2. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and S. Özbilen (2023): 'Core Stability and Strategy-Proofness in Hedonic Coalition Formation Problems with Friend-Oriented Preferences,' Barcelona School of Economics Working Paper 1399
Full paper: working paper
1. Biró P., F. Klijn, and S. Pápai (2022): 'Balanced Exchange in a Multi-Unit Shapley-Scarf Market,' Barcelona School of Economics Working Paper 1342
Full paper: working paper
63. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and J. Sethuraman (2025): 'A Characterization of the Top-Trading-Cycles Mechanism for Housing Markets via Respecting-Improvement,' forthcoming in Economics Letters
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
62. Klijn F., M. Mdaghri Alaoui, and M. Vorsatz (2025): 'Online Academic Exams: Does Multiplicity of Exam Versions Mitigate Cheating?,' International Review of Economics Education, 48, 100305
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
61. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2024): 'Minimal-Access Rights in School Choice and the Deferred Acceptance Mechanism,' Mathematics of Operations Research, 49, 1487-1501
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
60. Feng D., B. Klaus, and F. Klijn (2024): 'Characterizing the Typewise Top-Trading-Cycles Mechanism for Multiple-Type Housing Markets,' Games and Economic Behavior, 146, 234-254
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
59. Biró P., F. Klijn, X. Klimentova, and A. Viana (2024): 'Shapley-Scarf Housing Markets: Respecting Improvement, Integer Programming, and Kidney Exchange,' Mathematics of Operations Research, 49, 1938-1972
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
58. Alcalde-Unzu J., F. Klijn, and M. Vorsatz (2023): 'Constrained School Choice: An Experimental QRE Analysis,' Social Choice and Welfare, 61, 587-624
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
57. Biró P., F. Klijn, and S. Pápai (2022): 'Serial Rules in a Multi-Unit Shapley-Scarf Market,' Games and Economic Behavior, 136, 428-453
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
56. Klijn F., M. Mdaghri Alaoui, and M. Vorsatz (2022): 'Academic Integrity in On-line Exams: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment,' Journal of Economic Psychology, 93, 102555
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
55. Jaramillo P., Ç. Kayı, and F. Klijn (2021): 'School Choice: Nash Implementation of Stable Matchings through Rank-Priority Mechanisms,' Journal of Mathematical Economics, 95, 102496
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54. Klijn F., M. Walzl, and C. Kah (2021): 'Almost Mutually Best in Matching Markets: Rank Gaps and Size of the Core,' Social Choice and Welfare, 57, 797-816
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
53. Klijn F., J. Pais and M. Vorsatz (2020): 'Improving Schools through School Choice: An Experimental Study of Deferred Acceptance,' Economics Letters, 186, 108853
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52. Klijn F., J. Pais and M. Vorsatz (2019): 'Static versus Dynamic Deferred Acceptance in School Choice: Theory and Experiment,' Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 147-163
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
51. Jaramillo P., Ç. Kayı, and F. Klijn (2019): 'The Core of Roommate Problems: Size and Rank-Fairness within Matched Pairs,' International Journal of Game Theory, 48, 157-179
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
50. Braat J., H. Hamers, F. Klijn and M. Slikker (2019): 'A Selfish Allocation Heuristic in Scheduling: Equilibrium and Inefficiency Bound Analysis,' European Journal of Operational Research, 273, 634-645
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
49. Hamers H., F. Klijn and M. Slikker (2019): 'Implementation of Optimal Schedules in Outsourcing with Identical Suppliers,' Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 89, 173-187
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
48. Klijn F. (2019): 'Constrained Allocation of Projects to Heterogeneous Workers with Preferences over Peers,' B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 19, 20170038
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47. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2017): 'Non-Revelation Mechanisms for Many-to-Many Matching: Equilibria versus Stability,' Games and Economic Behavior, 104, 222-229
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
46. Klijn F. and M. Vorsatz (2017): 'Outsourcing with Identical Suppliers and Shortest-First Policy: A Laboratory Experiment,' Theory and Decision, 82, 597-615
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
45. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2016): 'Equilibria of Deferred Acceptance with Complete Lists,' Economics Letters, 144, 98-101
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
44. Klijn F., J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2016): 'Affirmative Action through Minority Reserves: An Experimental Study on School Choice,' Economics Letters, 139, 72-75
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
43. Klijn F. and A. Yazici (2014): 'A Many-to-Many Rural Hospital Theorem,' Journal of Mathematical Economics, 54(1), 63-73
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
42. Jaramillo P., Ç. Kayı, and F. Klijn (2014): 'Asymmetrically Fair Rules for an Indivisible Good Problem with a Budget Constraint,' Social Choice and Welfare, 43(3), 603-633
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
41. Jaramillo P., Ç. Kayı, and F. Klijn (2014): 'On the Exhaustiveness of Truncation and Dropping Strategies in Many-to-Many Matching Markets,' Social Choice and Welfare, 42(4), 793-811
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
40. Jaramillo P., Ç. Kayı, and F. Klijn (2013): 'Equilibria under Deferred Acceptance: Dropping Strategies, Filled Positions, and Welfare,' Games and Economic Behavior, 82(1), 693-701
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper, addendum
39. Klijn F., J. Pais, and M. Vorsatz (2013): 'Preference Intensities and Risk Aversion in School Choice: A Laboratory Experiment,' Experimental Economics, 16(1), 1-22
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
38. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2013): 'Local and Global Consistency Properties for Student Placement,' Journal of Mathematical Economics, 49(3), 222-229
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
37. Biró P. and F. Klijn (2013): 'Matching with Couples: A Multidisciplinary Survey,' International Game Theory Review, 15, 1-18
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
36. Ashlagi I. and F. Klijn (2012): 'Manipulability in Matching Markets: Conflict and Coincidence of Interests,' Social Choice and Welfare, 39(1), 23-33
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
35. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and M. Walzl (2011): 'Farsighted Stability for Roommate Markets,' Journal of Public Economic Theory, 13(6), 921-933
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
34. Klijn F. (2011): 'On the Consistency of Deferred Acceptance when Priorities are Acceptant Substitutable,' Mathematical Social Sciences, 62(2), 101-103
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper, clarification
33. Calsamiglia C., G. Haeringer, and F. Klijn (2011): 'A Comment On: School Choice: An Experimental Study,' Journal of Economic Theory, 146(1), 392-396
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
32. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and M. Walzl (2010): 'Farsighted House Allocation,' Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46(5), 817-824
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
31. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and M. Walzl (2010): 'Stochastic Stability for Roommate Markets,' Journal of Economic Theory, 145(6), 2218-224
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
30. Calsamiglia C., G. Haeringer, and F. Klijn (2010): 'Constrained School Choice: An Experimental Study,' American Economic Review, 100(4), 1860-1874
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
29. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2010): 'Smith and Rawls Share a Room: Stability and Medians,' Social Choice and Welfare, 35(4), 647-667
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
28. Haeringer G. and F. Klijn (2009): 'Constrained School Choice,' Journal of Economic Theory, 144(5), 1921-1947
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper, longer previous working paper (with additional proofs)
27. Hamers H., F. Klijn, M. Slikker, and B. van Velzen (2009): 'A Cooperative Approach to Queue Allocation of Indivisible Objects,' International Game Theory Review, 11(2), 215-227
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
26. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2009): 'Employment by Lotto Revisited,' International Game Theory Review, 11(2), 181-198
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
25. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and T. Nakamura (2009): 'Corrigendum: Stable Matchings and Preferences of Couples,' Journal of Economic Theory, 144(5), 2227-2233
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
24. Klijn F. (2008): 'Mechanism Design in School Choice: Some Lessons in a Nutshell,' Boletín de la Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 24(3), 11-22
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
23. Klaus B., F. Klijn, and J. Massó (2007): 'Some Things Couples Always Wanted to Know about Stable Matchings (but were afraid to ask),' Review of Economic Design, 11, 175-184
For a step by step description of the execution of the APCA algorithm for examples 3.1 and 3.2 click here.
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22. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2007): 'Fair and Efficient Student Placement with Couples,' International Journal of Game Theory, 36, 177-207
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
21. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2007): 'Corrigendum to ''On Randomized Matching Mechanisms'' [Economic Theory 8(1996)377-381],' Economic Theory, 32, 411-416
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
20. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2007): 'Paths to Stability for Matching Markets with Couples,' Games and Economic Behavior, 58, 154-171.
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
19. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2006): 'Median Stable Matching for College Admissions,' International Journal of Game Theory, 34, 1-11
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
18. Klijn F. and E. Sánchez (2006): 'Sequencing Games without Initial Order,' Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 63, 53-62
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
17. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2006): 'Procedurally Fair and Stable Matching,' Economic Theory, 27, 431-447
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
16. Hamers H., F. Klijn, and B. van Velzen (2005): 'On the Convexity of Precedence Sequencing Games,' Annals of Operations Research, 137, 161-175
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
15. Klaus B. and F. Klijn (2005): 'Stable Matchings and Preferences of Couples,' Journal of Economic Theory, 121, 75-106
For a short corrigendum to this paper, see publication #25.
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
14. Klijn F. and M. Slikker (2005): 'Distribution Center Consolidation Games,' Operations Research Letters, 33, 285-288
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
13. Fiestras-Janeiro G., F. Klijn, and E. Sánchez (2004): 'Manipulation of Optimal Matchings via Predonation of Endowment,' Mathematical Social Sciences, 47, 295-312
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
12. Hamers H., F. Klijn, T. Solymosi, S. Tijs, and D. Vermeulen (2003): 'On the Nucleolus of Neighbor Games,' European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 1-18
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
11. Klijn F., D. Vermeulen, H. Hamers, T. Solymosi, S. Tijs, and J.P. Villar (2003): 'Neighbor Games and the Leximax Solution,' Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 58, 191-208
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
10. Klijn F. and J. Massó (2003): 'Weak Stability and a Bargaining Set for the Marriage Model,' Games and Economic Behavior, 42, 91-100
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
9. Calleja P., P. Borm, H. Hamers, F. Klijn, and M. Slikker (2002): 'On a New Class of Parallel Sequencing Situations and Related Games,' Annals of Operations Research, 109, 265-277
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
8. Curiel I., H. Hamers, and F. Klijn (2002): 'Sequencing Games: A Survey,' in: P. Borm and H. Peters (eds.), Chapters in Game Theory: in Honor of Stef Tijs, pp. 27-50. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
7. Hamers H., F. Klijn, T. Solymosi, S. Tijs, and J.P. Villar (2002): 'Assignment Games satisfy the CoMa-property,' Games and Economic Behavior, 38, 231-239
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
6. Klijn F., M. Slikker, and S. Tijs (2001): 'A Dual Egalitarian Solution,' Economics Bulletin, vol 3., no. 10, 1-8
Full paper: publisher
5. Klijn F., S. Tijs, and H. Hamers (2000): 'Balancedness of Permutation Games and Envy-free Allocations in Indivisible Good Economies,' Economics Letters, 69, 323-326
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
4. Klijn F. (2000): 'An Algorithm for Envy-free Allocations in an Economy with Indivisible Objects and Money,' Social Choice and Welfare, 17, 201-216
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
3. Klijn F., M. Slikker, S. Tijs, and J. Zarzuelo (2000): 'The Egalitarian Solution for Convex Games: Some Characterizations,' Mathematical Social Sciences, 40, 111-121
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
2. Hamers H., F. Klijn, and J. Suijs (1999): 'On the Balancedness of Multiple Machine Sequencing Games,' European Journal of Operational Research, 119, 678-691
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper
1. Klijn F., M. Slikker, and J. Zarzuelo (1999): 'Characterizations of a Multi-Choice Value,' International Journal of Game Theory, 28, 521-532
Full paper: publisher, previous working paper