
Current status map

The Travelers

Season 4 Journal

Chapter 32 - Appointment with destiny

That evening passed in a blur for Mile, having escaped the clutches of the Iron Crown, being reunited with his lost companions, and fleeing from Nightfall aboard the Peregrine Nation into the cold winter night. 

At some point, midway through catching up with his companions Mile fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of recent events and waking in some confusion as to what had been real, and what he had imagined. Awaking in a hammock, he recounted in his mind the frantic events of the last few hours, and what he had learned from Rumbelow and the others.

Rumbelow had been engaged on secret missions on behalf of the great wizard Morgenstern, but finally had set sail for Nightfall and along the way had chanced upon the rest of the party, who had been rescued from the mountain by Rivka and were sheltering in the snow. Knowing that the Iron Crown forces were now seeking the Dragonbowl, Rumbelow was under instructions to take Mile to the Old Halls as quickly as possible, to recover it before it could be stolen.

Flying through the night towards the Old Halls, Rumbelow was concerned that they might be overtaken by the faster skyships of the Iron Crown. He told Mile that Azharul, leader of the Iron Crown, was building a huge new skyship using unknown technology, that could sweep all opposition before him. With this in mind, the Dragonbowl was even more significant, as it might represent the only thing standing in the way of their enemy's ambitions.

In more encouraging news, Rumbelow reported that Mile's childhood friend Salander (Sally) had managed to deliver the Golden Breastplate to Calias in Foxdale, and in return had secured the Bag of Holding, which was now delivered to Mile.  As Mile transfered his belongings to his new magic bag, Rumbelow spied his copy of Peach Time and congratulated him on being a man of culture, remarking that he once knew a famous and powerful mage called Zebulon who would have paid a pretty penny for such a rare signed edition.

Their banter was interrupted by a shout of warning from Sullivan, who had spotted pursuing skyships. Rumbelow planned to take the ship higher and lose their opponents in the clouds. Mile and Adelka went below decks to reposition the mirrors that heated the sunstone, but before they could close the porthole windows they were attacked by Ice Wisps from outside. In a desperate battle, three Ice Wisps were defeated, but not before the party incurred some injuries, and an airsick (and rather inebriated) Rivka slipped and fell while attempting to charge into combat.

With that, they secured the portholes and were able to use the mirrors to heat the sunstone, allowing the skyship to climb into the cloud cover, and make their final approach to the Old Halls.

Mile packed his gear into his magic bag, with a knife in his boot and his whip ready on his belt. Consulting his map with Rumbelow they planned their approach to the cliffs, and Mile requested for Adelka, Rivka and Mogwen to accompany him. Adelka was somewhat torn at leaving Rumbelow's side. Mogwen however was keen to gain experience, and Rivka simply wanted to leave the confines of the skyship. So it was that they emerged from the cloud cover directly in front of the entrance to the Old Halls and descended the rope ladder into the snow, Rumbelow wished them luck and thrust two Hi-Potions into Mile's hand.

Landing in a thick bank of snow Mile quickly led the way towards the cliff face, heading towards the stair on his map, that led to the side door into the Halls. Snow swirled around and a bitter wind snatched at his clothes as he scrambled through the frosty terrain. Danger was not far behind. Immediately the buzzing of Iron Crown skyships filled the air, and Snow Raiders descended on ropes before organising into formation and preparing to advance. Desperately running towards the cliffs Mile slipped and plunged into the ice cold stream, gasping with shock, before pulling himself out and leading the others towards the stair.

As they approached however, worse was to come. As the Peregrine Nation climbed slowly away, another skyship approached and Mile spied a magic user on its deck - Gulbenkian, the mage who had attacked him all those weeks ago at his parents' guesthouse. Mile shouted desperately to Rivka who was able to loose one arrow, which struck Gulbenkian at the exact moment that he unleashed a bolt of dark fire from his wand. The magic flame streaked out to blast into the side of the Peregrine Nation as it climbed desperately away. The party watched in horror as the Peregrine Nation lost control, disappearing into the clouds at the top of the cliff with an almighty crash, and a huge burst of snow.

There was no time to take in what had happened. Mile spied another skyship dropping off Lady Kotara with more Snow Raiders, and he led his companions up the steep and slippery steps towards the side door of the Old Halls. As the ancient Guardian Statue emerged from the Old Hall's main gate to face the Iron Crown forces, a party of Sky Raiders deployed on the cliff above them. Mile led the party in a dash across an icy bridge to the side gate, and quickly producing his Skeleton Key, he opened the ancient door to reveal a dark and forbidding entrance. With pursuit close behind, the party rushed inside, Mile turning to close the door and lock it quickly with a loud click.

Then, finally, silence fell.

Chapter 33 - The Spiral Stair

As their eyes adjusted to the gloom, the party found themselves in an entry chamber, with a long corridor stretching away into the darkness. Mogwen quickly produced her 'pinwheel' spinner wand and cast a spell to illuminate their surroundings. Consulting his map Mile considered his options. Opening another locked ironbound door he saw a staircase dropping away into the darkness. Reluctant to descend, he was snapped back to the present by banging at the entry door, as the Sky Raiders arrived and tried to force entry.

Mogwen was able to cast a spell causing magical vines to sprout forth and secure the door, but it was clear that this was only a temporary solution. The group prepared to delve deeper into the dungeon, and Mile realised that his plunge into the icy mountain stream had left him chilled to the bone.

Cautious of traps, Mile convinced Adelka to take an old broom and sweep the path ahead, as they proceeded cautiously into the frozen corridors. Despite some confusion around the notations on his father's map, they proceeded up some stairs without any trouble. Mile made a flippant comment about Rumbelow's skyship crash, but this (and his attempts to redeem himself) were soon forgotten as the party triggered a huge rolling boulder trap which fell from the ceiling and forced them to flee deeper into the Halls.

Ducking through a side door, Mile, Adelka and Mogwen were confronted by two Ice Slimes, which they defeated before realising that Rivka was nowhere to be seen, and the boulder blocked their path. Discovering a secret door, they found a way to bypass the boulder and continue on their way. Soon they found Rivka again, but their relief was short-lived as she fell into a concealed pit trap. 

Fortunately she was relatively unhurt, but Adelka thrust the broom into Mile's hands, insisting that it was his turn to lead the way. Proceeding further into the Old Halls, Mile started to feel the cold of his wet clothes bite. But after acrobatically defeating another Ice Slime they came across a room containing an old stone fireplace: Deciding to take a moment's rest, they lit the fire and tried to warm up as they planned their next move.

After some discussion, while eating rations, they decided to press on quickly before their pursuers caught up with them. Mogwen refreshed the light spell on her wand, and they continued on their way. Avoiding a room with another Ice Slime inside, Mile only narrowly avoided a pit trap in the corridor outside. Ascending further, he finally discovered the room full of levers that controlled the defences of the entire complex - but in his eagerness to explore, he was ambushed by a Mega Slime on the ceiling, leading to a close-fought battle before he was finally victorious and able to explore the room fully.

Decoding some letters and markings on the levers Mile was able to reset the traps on the lower levels (hopefully delaying his pursuers) while deactivating the levels ahead, but keeping the upper levels active to prevent Iron Crown attackers entering from above. Hoping that they had interpreted the markings correctly, the party advanced, discovering a long spiral stair that took them higher and higher into the Old Halls.

Chapter 34 - The Eternal Forge

Unlocking an ironbound door at the top of the spiral stair, Mile and his companions entered the next level. Exploring a frozen library full of housekeeping books, he then moved on, searching for the secret door indicated on his father's map. After some frustration, Mile was suddenly ambushed by an Ice Wisp that appeared in a dead end - after defeating the monster Mile realised that there was a faint draught of cold air, and with some investigation he discovered the way to the Eternal Forge.

This level of the Halls was still sparsely furnished but had some more features than the Spiral Stair. Searching as he went, Mile found a Ruby Ring in the corner of an empty chest. The next chest was less promising, as Mile suffered the effects of a poisoned dart, but after taking a moment to steady himself, he found another secret door and the next chest yielded a pouch of gold. 

After taking a moment to pause and take stock, Mile decided not to activate the Eternal Forge, instead carefully closing the secret doors behind him, and keeping it as a possible hiding place for future use. Pressing on, the group made haste, as they started to hear the faint sounds of pursuit in the distance. Gathering some papers that further explained the workings of the trap controls, Mile also gathered some wine and some glassware as he pressed on urgently in search of the way to the Dragonbowl.

It was then that disaster struck. While nostalgic memories swam through Mile's mind, Adelka led the way with new-found confidence. However, entering a cramped corridor, Adelka triggered a pit trap and started to pitch forward into the void. Acting quickly, Mile caught Adelka to stop her falling by grasping the laces of her maid's outfit, but in that moment, the door ahead opened to reveal their old opponent - Lady Kotara.

Taking stock of the situation, Kotara threatened Adelka (who could not move) and demanded that Mile return her private letters. As Mile tried to negotiate, the laces of Adelka's clothing started to unravel, threatening a disastrous wardrobe malfunction! In the distance a deep rumbling signified the Iron Crown forces blasting through an obstacle to continue their pursuit. Finally, when Kotara gave her word she would let the party leave unhindered, and cast her sword into the pit, Mile relented and agreed to give up the letters - just in time for Adelka to jump across the pit and resolve her state of undress.

So it was that Mile and his companions pressed on to the next level, passing the window that Lady Kotara had used to gain entry, and unlocking the next ironbound door at the top of the stairs.

Chapter 35 - The Ancestral Hall

The next level opened into a slightly broader corridor, leading to a pillared hall with a white cloth-covered altar at one end, and multiple doors lining the walls. Mile examined his pocket watch to identify the direction of the Dragonbowl, and made his way accordingly. However opening one door caused them all to open, revealing a series of Animated Armour suits in niches along each wall - and one lurched to attack! Rapidly manoeuvring, Mile led the pursuing Armour down a hallway until he was able to engage it from one side, while Rivka attacked it from the other. After a hard-fought battle they finally defeated the guardian, leaving it to collapse into a pile of clattering metal.

Battered and bruised they made their way back into the pillared hall, searching for the promised secret door that would take them to the Dragonbowl. The rest of the party was unharmed, and it appeared that by deactivating the traps on this level they had inactivated the suits of Animated Armour - except for the one that had broken free from its faulty restraints. 

Finally Mile discovered the secret way in the niche that the Animated Armour had emerged from, leading into an atrium with a caged door. He quickly realised that his pocket watch could unlock the door, and he led the way into the most hidden room of the Old Halls.

The deepest chamber of the Ancestral Hall held tapestries and a carpet embroidered with the d'Areyn crest - with a solid iron chest at the far end of the room. However there was one more surprise in store. A lithe neko-girl was suspended from the ceiling, poised to steal the chest and the Dragonbowl itself! As Mile challenged her she declared that she was Kotek, the famous Cat-Burglar, and she claimed the Dragonbowl for herself. Mile proclaimed his ownership of the Halls and his family heirloom, but realising that Kotek would not be reasoned with, he used his whip to cut the cords suspending her from the ceiling, sending her into a spin and foiling her attempt to open the chest. Hissing like a cat, Kotek scrambled with impressive agility onto the chest and rapidly ascended into the ceiling, with a single crack of the whip from Mile to send her on her way.

Then all that remained was for Mile to open the chest. Quickly realising that the Ruby Ring he had found matched the lock on the chest, Mile was able to open it to reveal the Dragonbowl in all its resplendent glory. Carefully switching the Dragonbowl for the serving jug he had found in the Ancestral Hall, Mile reverently took his ancient family heirloom and placed it in his Bag of Holding. He then led his party back outside, closing everything and resetting the secret door to conceal any evidence of their presence.

As shouting and footsteps announced the presence of their pursuers, Mile led his colleagues towards the corridor ahead, seeking a path upwards, to freedom and escape.

Chapter 36 - Luck runs out

With lantern in hand, Mile led his companions up the stair to the next level - the Family Chambers. Locking the door behind him, he stooped to review his father's map, puzzling over the directions which were infuriatingly vague. Finally reaching a decision, Mile stood, but quickly felt lightheaded as lack of sleep (and the poison in his system) started to take its toll. These chambers were still and deeply silent, with a frosty carpet underfoot and wood-panelled walls lending a somewhat more homely feel to the corridors. This illusion of peace was soon shattered however as Mile was assailed by three umbrellas that sprang to life in the first room he entered!

Cautiously exploring the corridors they heard the sounds of pursuit getting closer once again, and Mile started to seek out the secret door alluded to on his father's map. It was here that his luck finally ran out. So intent was he on examining the panelled walls of a gloomy bedroom that he didn't notice the two candelabra from the walls spin silently to life. Like the umbrellas these were Calacassa - mundane objects that had been neglected by their owners for too long and become possessed by resentful spirits. In a furious ambush Mile was caught unawares and in a swift but brutal fight, battered into unconsciousness. He was saved from an inglorious end as his companions ran to his aid, finally defeating the haunted lamps in a close-fought battle, before carrying Mile to a place of safety deeper into the Chambers.

With the whole party fatigued and both Mile and Rivka badly hurt, they helped Mile to regain consciousness so they could administer a Hi-Potion and restore his health. Rivka downed the other potion, with not a moment left to lose - despite Mogwen's magic, their pursuers were finally breaking through the entrance door. They fled, avoiding another Calacassa and finding the door up to the next level.

Steadily gathering his wits, Mile noted that this door and the next were both unlocked - the first time they had encountered unlocked doors between levels. He advanced cautiously, locking the doors securely behind him to delay pursuit, before using his lamp to illuminate the path ahead. Mile's breath hung in the frosty air as he saw they had left the more comfortable Family Chambers behind and returned to bare stone corridors. 

Wondering if they had reached the Mountain Passage Mile set off to the left, keen to avoid the dangerous right-hand route hinted at on his father's map. Through the haze of fatigue and the dull ache of the poison in his system he tried to recall on which levels they had deactivated the traps. The first rooms he explored revealed a treasure chest. Wearily he did his best to avoid triggering any traps, and was rewarded with the find of an old clockwork music box wrapped in a cloth. Pocketing the box he continued on his way, only to stumble directly into the path of two wandering monsters!

With the gasp of 'Werewolves!' escaping his lips, Mile exclaimed 'Ruuuunn!' and led his companions in a dash down the corridor away from the monsters as fast as he could. Shoving through a door into another room he was confronted with an even more terrifying scene - 3 more werewolves and their chief, a fearsome beast wielding a gnawed bone as a club. As Mile stopped abruptly, Rivka Adelka and Mogwen ran directly into him from behind, pushing him into the room where they all landed in a jumbled heap at the feet of the bemused monsters. 

At the bottom of the pile Mile raised his eyes towards the creatures and smiled. proclaiming 'Mile d'Areyn, at your service!'

Chapter 37 - The mountain passage

Surrounded by the canine creatures, Mile had to think quickly. Adopting his friendliest tones he addressed their leader, expressing his family connection with the Old Halls and his desire to continue peacefully on his journey.

The pack leader quickly spied the ruby ring on Mile's finger and agreed to let the party continue - in exchange for a fee for trespassing. Mile was anxious to retain the ring, and after some tense negotiation (and mindful that they were surrounded with little hope of escape) he agreed to pay a toll of 400 Guilders. So it was that the party continued on their way, guided by one of the creatures through a secret door and onward up to the next level.

Arriving at the eighth level Mile immediately noticed the tunnels were in a state of disrepair, and seemed dangerously unstable. Moving cautiously they were greeted by ominous rumblings and the occasional trickle of dust from the ceiling. Sure enough their fears were soon realised, with Mile only just managing to jump clear as part of the ceiling caved in, crushing their guide and separating Mile from his companions.

Without his guide, Mile soon realised that the canines on this level were hostile, so he pressed on in an effort to rejoin his companions. To make matters worse, Mile's lamp started to flicker as the oil began to run out. Rounding a corner Mile was relieved to see the others approaching - but once again part of the corridor began to collapse, injuring Adelka and rousing a party of canines from a nearby room. Realising that they would not be reasoned with, Mile shouted for his companions to follow, and they fled down the corridor to the exit ahead. With the creatures in hot pursuit, he guided his companions through and slammed the door behind, turning the key in the lock just in time. At that moment his lamp flickered out leaving them in darkness, but safe - for now.

Chapter 38 - Cold pursuit

Listening carefully, Mile and his companions heard the canines growling and muttering, before they gave up on opening the door and their footsteps receded. The party paused for a moment to catch their breath, and Mogwen cast a spell to illuminate their surroundings. After a comment from Rivka, Mile realised that the fearsome 'Werewolves' were in fact Kobolds - although with their strength in numbers they had no doubt been a real danger to the group.

At the top of the stairs they found themselves in another frosty corridor, with windows to the outside casting a gentle glow on the walls. Pressing onward Mile peered into a few chambers before the corridor ended at a door - and here they heard voices. Quickly sheltering in a room off the corridor, Mile and his companions prepared to be discovered, as footsteps approached and the voices could be heard outside. It was clear that the two men were part of a search party, deciding whether they should hold their position or continue searching the Halls. 

Fortunately for Mile, the men decided to head the other way, leaving a path clear for the party to proceed - but their relief did not last long. Soon later, a loud banging heralded the arrival of their pursuers, breaking down the door from the level below. Quickly evaluating the tracks left by the searchers on the frosty stone floor, Mile led the way onward, up the stairs to the 10th level, again locking the door behind them to buy what little time they could.

At the top of the stairs Mile saw more tracks in the frost, and it was clear that this area had been recently visited. Heading to the right, he heard a howling of wind, and opening a rattling door he was greeted by a blast of icy wind, where a room had been exposed to the elements and was filled with a vortex of wind and snow. Attempting to traverse the room, Mile was barely able to stay on his feet as the wind threatened to sweep him away. As Mogwen struggled to use her magic to help, they once again heard the sound of impending pursuit, this time closer than ever. As their time ran out, Mile decided they had no choice but to flee down the last remaining corridor to escape.

Moving as quickly as possible on the icy floor, the sound of pursuit got closer and closer. After defeating some Ice wWsps, they rounded a corner in the corridor only to find that the passage ahead had collapsed, with small fragments of stone floor remaining above a deep dark ravine. Mogwen hastily conjured magical vines for them to hold, and they scrambled across the treacherous ledge, as their pursuers finally caught up with them.

A party of Iron Crown Snow Raiders, led by the wizard Gulbenkian, rounded the corner as Mile made the final leap towards safety. However a bolt of black flame blasted from the wizard's wand and engulfed Mile, knocking him off balance and down into the darkness. As he fell, he realised curiously that the fire had not harmed him this time. Still, he landed heavily in snow and ice and slid down a steep incline, using his whip to stop his descent at the last moment, bringing him to rest on a small snowy ledge, on the side of the dark cliffs.

Realising he was finally outside, Mile felt the chill of the air and fresh snowfall settling on his face. Gathering himself, he looked up to see the familiar figure of Saffie flutter down and perch on the cliff face above. She looked down at him quizzically. "Mile? What on earth are you doing down there?"