Note: For the time being this article is put together based on a handful of related discussions, so it may seem a little inconsistent, and even random - your help in reviewing/updating and improving the article would be apperciated

Apparently this all started in early 2008, when a user joined as the first blind user of flightgear, posting "needless to say that i was excited as a kidlet at xmas eve!" it is quite exciting to be able to actually controlling the plane from speech even it is a little harder thanks to ron andersg and jester for helping out with that. This is all good things but as i read about in the forums and archives it is like something is missing. like aren't there anyway we can get more atc interaction than we have now ? I would go a long way to be able to get more info from some of the towers say like round ksfo where i usually fly yes you can have the freqs ready but you can see in the way that ppl interact and fly that they find it more stimulating with more ATC interaction admittedly i have not look deeper in to how it could be done but it seems that when i look at the nasal code that the tower knows quite alot about how the plane is positionned in relation to the airport. Does anyone work on it of if yes how would i go about joining him or her? i imagine a situation like this ... i take of from ksfo i am in a situation where i need the AP'S vor or ndb okay now of course the pilot is from cali right and a spoiled blonde btw this is not repeat not as an unrealistic situation as it may sound "is a blonde too" anyway how woudl one get the freq? Fine if i am the only one who believes that needs a little more so be it but other wise it would eventually be interesting to have :) As we speak flightgear is the only sim you can use as a totally blind person and you can actually fly it so exact so you can fly a normal instructor student program i do it all the time. It sounds more impressing than it really am. Just saw something for FAA and x-plane do we have certifications for that to? [4]

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As being one of the only blind female pilots in here voice on that part of the towercommunication would be a good idea instead of as it is now using the synth for it . However there is one thing. If we should have that one would have to make all the words for it and it would have to be called each time as it is for ATIS. It is not a bad idea at all just saying :) As for streaming text to speach i do that all the time with a lot of the instruments dme, vor, gps, rpm for the engine, throttle, heading altitude ground view and so on. Okies when i started in here i had AndersG and Jester helping me making it work that way that it streamed it to the speach that is in my mac but the selution was simply not good and responsive enough. I ended up installing a free speach that i also use on my windows box... could we forget i admitted that ? It really did not work in a fast and mature way til i did. So 2 things are important if you want ot use speach on flightgear. 1: what speach do you like "which one can your brain handle at over 370 words pr minute and yes it sometimes is that hectic round ksfo, cause of all the pilots chittering . 2 how much memory does the speach use from your computer ? well i started with "alex" for mac and as much as i adore him he was simply not good enough for the task, i guess the fact that i fly from a mac book air did not help metters either :)[5]

Blind Pilots? Yes, You read it right! There are a lot of Blind People like Me who Love Airplanes and play Flight Simulators, mainly Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3d. Of course probably some of You are asking how can a Blind Person use Flight Simulators if They can't see the Screen? How can They read the instruments, perform the various tasks and safely fly a Plane? The truth is We can do all those things thanks to the use of Screen Readers like Jaws For Windows or NVDA which is free and Open Source combined with a few Adons, one of them specifically developed for the Blind called ItsYourPlane. Plus at least 2 other Adons, Multi Crew Experience and FSX Pilot. All of them create a virtual Co Pilot which assists with the different tasks like Checklists and so many others, allowing a Blind Person to use Flight Simulators just like everyone else. There are a few Forums like the ones listed bellow talking about this and there are also some Videos, specially in the ItsYourPlane Page showing how a Blind Person can fly a Plane[6]

We have this new webbrowser UI, TorstenD is currently working on. In it's current state it is not barrier-free but it should be _very_ easy to add the required features and use many existing tools like screen readers or to give audible feedback use text-to-speech conversion. If someone can guide Torsten to what is needed, he'd be happy to implement it.[7]

for one thing make sure you have all alt tags labeled exactly as to what the buttons, edit boxes and labels do firstly. Secondly, I have found that the screen readers happen to get in the way so on the Mac it may be good after you may want to turn off Voiceover but indicating that before you shut it down. Thirdly, maybe we can either have a choice for real files for speech or speak/festival files in the ui and then it downloads those files. This may give you a start if you have more questions let me know.[8]

scot, anders can properly explain it better, but here goes. think about this, all of our instruments, speed, pitch, bank is numeric variables, it is just these numbers that is send too the speech, really. what can be done as for making flightgear more accessible i have no idea about, i remember that anders and Jester have used many hours making it work, the only thing I've done really is adding more keys for a few things. Having an automated act that could talk the pilot down could be interesting, am not sure how it would work, though. round ksfo you just tune into the Ils. and voyla. Scot, if your friend is on a mac it will take under 10 minutes too set it up, i can send you an Dmg file with all the needed files, but i believe anders have it on his site too.[9]

It seems to me that a pretty good starting point would be to add simulated no-gyro PAR approaches to FlightGear. These are approaches where ATC essentially talks the pilot down. Some basic information is available here: _traffic/publications/atpubs/atc/atc0510.html The above includes the standard phraseology that is used. I believe that blind pilots would likely need additional information beyond what is provided by ATC for no-gyro approaches. To have these approaches in FlightGear would be interesting for all IFR FG users, and would be a good starting point for building a system for blind pilots.[12]

Hello Guys. can someone help me out. I am not able to find enough resources on the net. Basically i am trying to setup HIL with apm 2.5 arduplane and flightgear. Till now i am able to lauch rascal model in flightgear. mission planner is able to communicate with radio inputs as i can see on mission planner. I am also able to see aircraft parameters on mission planner however i am not able control the aircraft either in manual mode or auto. What is the missing link I am thinking it could be due to mission planner not able to command the flightgear. How can i debug this part.

I selected ArduPlane in the serial link area in the upper right part of the screen and connected. This looks like it works OK. The orange leds on the IMU shield flashes. One LED flashed all the time fast, the other LED flashes not so often (once per second approx). When I click Start FG plane, Flightgear launches after a while. FG works OK with good framerate on this machine. When I click Sim Link Start/stop the red LED comes on. This I assume indicates that APM planner and the APM1 talks with each other. I can now see the location of the plane in the APM planner on the runway. The plane looks like a cessna. The bearings also look like is shown OK.I have no RC radio receiver or ESC connected to the APM1. It seems to power fine via USB.

Found this thread whilst searching for Flightgear and Ardupilot! - Looks like from reading this that Flightgear point blank just doesn't work. I can't even find any info on anyone who has got it to work!

Well, after 2 evenings, I think i have got it to interface with the Mission planner v2.33, Flightgear Version 2.6. Managed to get the plane to follow waypoints, take off, and loiter etc. But then i started fiddling with the params, and I think I have ruined everything, as the plane takes off, rolls left and goes inverted and crashes!

Hi I want to perform some HIL but I am still wondering how you people bring this green airplane icon on the firmware tab. I have download the the APM planner software version 1.1.56 but I cannot see any green icon for x-plane simualtor. How is it appears on the firmware? thanks.

Alright I have the X-Flight demo all pluged in and my transmiter works and stuff, but for some reason... The X-flight wont obey my "APM modes"? The trottle works, the throttle cut off works, but no matter what mode or postion my APM switch is in on my transmiter is compeletly ignored???

Yes, you'll note that the Mission Planner supports Flight Gear along with X-Plane. We've got a tutorial here, but I have to warn you that I've never got it to work myself and we don't support it (so I can't help you).

In my view, FlightGear had some huge leaps in quality in the past year or so, it has some really stunning features. For instance, the weather engine (in advanced mode) takes into consideration the terrain layout when generating a weather pattern, so mountains, sea, etc., influence the weather. As much as I like to fly X-Plane 10 as well, it is amazing to be able to fly with tons of clouds in the sky or even in a complete overcast and rainy day without having a drop in performance (try that with X-Plane clouds... I can only fly in clear days on my computer...). And the ALS system is gorgeous, the sky looks better than any other sim with dynamic change of colours according to haze, sun position, weather, etc. This is miles ahead of other sims. 152ee80cbc

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