Ms. Peebles' Classroom Website


Welcome to the 2017-18 school year! This website will be used to share important information with parents and students.

Select the appropriate grade level to see homework, assessment dates, field trip information, etc.

Please email me if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Let's have a great year!!!



12/22 - Christmas Homework Assignment for all classes: 5 Hours of Science (only) IXL. This can be done during any time during the break and in any increments. *Anything over 5 hours will earn extra credit (depending on the amount).*

10/31 - If you are unable to sign up for a conference or are unable to meet on one of the two dates and desire to schedule a conference, please feel free to email me.

9/28 - All students have received their username and password for the online textbook website (peebles322 is the universal password for all students in my classes). If a student is having difficulty logging in or find the correct assignments online, please see me. In addition, the website is not fully compatible with Apple devices or other products. The app Puffin can be downloaded for free to assist. Puffin is an alternate web browser.

Happy October!!!

9/21 - I want to take the time to thank those parents who attended the 8th grade parent meeting and the curriculum night for 5-8th grade. Please remember, if you have any questions or concerns, please send me an email or note on Class Dojo.

9/20 - All students have received the Class Dojo invite to give to parents last week. If you have not received it, please be sure to ask your child. In addition, 7 & 8th grade students have received their log in information for the online textbook ( If your child has any issues with logging in, please have them see me for assistance.