You could also ask Windows to find all your scripts if you are not sure where they are:

Start, Search, All Files and Folders

Fill in *.pspscript for the file name, it should be looking in all your hard drives by default. Then click Search and see what it finds.

BTW it doesn't matter if you type lower case as Windows ignores case in file names. At least XP and earlier versions do!

When you get the results, the Folder column should be displayed. If not right-click the title bar at the top of the list and check 'Folder'.

ages ago(permalink)

Yup. That's where they all were. It's crazy. I was just playing around one night and decided to use a script and they were gone. I have no problem saving new ones but the ones that came with psp are gone.

ages ago(permalink)

Flickr Download Script

Download đŸ”¥ đŸ”¥

The scripts are lost, and you are looking where they should be. You can get XP to search everywhere for script files and list all it finds, in the hope that they are somewhere else.

Click Start, Search and a window opens.

The select 'All Files and Folders', and type '*.pspscript' into 'all or part of the file name'. Leave 'A word or phrase in the file' empty and leave whatever is in 'Look in' alone. Click the 'Search' and wait. It will list lots of scripts, but you are looking for any with names that match up to the ones you have lost.

Pretty similar instructions will work with other versions of Windows.

It might not help but it doesn't take too long to do and you never know...

ages ago(permalink)

Hi, after a Windows Update, which may be the reason, the scripts I created no longer appear in my Batch Process - Script list. Following advice on this page I was able to locate the folder outside PSP (C:\Users\Lotte\Documents\Corel PaintShop Pro\17.0). However, I'm struggling to get them to reappear in the list so I can actually use them. Using the File Location icon I can find my folder of scripts but then what? I've tried several things and I still can't get them to go where I want them to be, in the Batch Process - Script list. The Corel interface for this seems quite confusing to me so advice from users would be very welcome.

13 months ago(permalink)

I recorded a script that has only one command which is to change a photo to 72dpi. when i select a folder that has some photos taken horizontally and some vertical and batch process with the 72dpi script the result is that all the photos are horizontal, so all of the photos that were vertical become a streched out horizontal and the ones that already were horizontal look fine. Is there a way to batch process to 72dpi and retain the photos original orientation ?

10:38AM, 29 November 2009 PST(permalink)

The oldtime way of tackling alternatives is with via @IF, ELSE, END IF statements but I've no idea whether graphics progs use such programming commands.

Suggestion: select the troublesome vertical format pics and do another batch process 'Rotate [anti, or not] clockwise'. Then all the pics in the folder will be the same orientation and the 'Make 72dpi' batch script should operate OK. Then select the wrongly orientated pics and batch process those to the correct orientation.

ages ago(permalink)

iampato, could you post the script somewhere? something like will do i guess.. (set it to a long time if you can set the max age) The script file is a text file so you should be able to open it with notepad or edit the script in PSP using edit script/edit source (iirc).

ages ago(permalink)

" It seems that PSP is a powerful program and would have a way to accomplish a task that seems so simple "change the dpi only and nothing else" "

It is and it does.

If you really want to "change the dpi only and nothing else"  then that shouldn't change the orientation, the size (in pixels) or anything else visible in the photo.

To make a script to use in a batch process for this, open any image and start recording the script. Go to Image | Resize (Shift + S) and set the dialog thus:

Click to enlarge

You won't see anything happen to the photo. Save the script with a suitable name.

Start the batch process dialog, select the photos to process, tell it to use the script that you just made, choose the naming and destination options for the processed images and press Start.

Click to enlarge

The new images won't look any different to the originals and the orientation won't change but the task will be completed.

Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)

 Robert Silverwood edited this topic ages ago.

Thanks for the reply Robert, what you described is exactlyi how I recorded the script. I've found that if you use a vertical file when recording the script then every file you run the script on whether vertical or horizontal will be changed to vertical which makes some of the photos tall a skinny. I finally had to take the folder and save all horizontal files to a new folder and all of the vertical files to another folder, then save two scripts, one vertical and one horizontal and run two seperate batch processes. After running each batch seperately, I then combined both folders and deleted the temporary vertical only folder and the horizontal only folder, but geez what a time waster. there has to be a simpler way to chnge "just the dpi and nothing else"

ages ago(permalink)

Yes, that's the key - 100 = 100% which is no change at all, just as you require.

Refer back to my screenshot above of the resize dialog for settings to get your desired outcome. Ironically, you are using the resize function but don't actually need the images to be resized!

in your script "'Resample': True," should read "'Resample':False,"

Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)

 Robert Silverwood edited this topic ages ago.

Hey, everyone! I'm a CS senior, and recently wrote a Python script that takes a URL for a Flickr album or photo stream and downloads them all. I have used Python a bit in the past, but not extensively and I would really like some feedback.

Thanks for that! I'm not that familiar with PSP and I'm not sure where to find the options you're describing. Could you expand, and tell me exactly how to get to those options?

What I was really after was how to make scripts do "auto" operations, instead of just capturing the results of a single "auto" operation. I've looked at things like this web page...

... and the Corel PaintShop Pro Scripting Guide (can't remember where I found that). But can't find the answer :-(. I'm told that it's possible to do this in Photoshop so am sure it must be possible in PSP. Just need to work out how!

112 months ago(permalink)

For Flickr, there was a change some years back to move away from user/pass authentication, and now you use a key plus an oauth method. None of the scripts I have found on the flickr site or elsewhere support oauth.

For SmugMug, I found a few that use oauth but they are all incomplete or buggy in one way or another. There are python scripts, ruby scripts, and more. I have only a passing familiarity with these technologies, and each error or strange message results in another trip through the Google.

I'm actually trying to build a workflow using a command-line script. It need not be a hierarchy of folders but that would be nice. I would expect to have the MACOS to notice the appearance of a new file in an upload folder, and upload it automatically without additional intervention. I can do the folder watching part; it's the automated hand-shaking with SmugMug (and Flickr) I don't know how to handle.

Thanks, Starline Photo. I have used the Console, and I kinda-sorta got it to work there -- that is, it didn't crash, and I got a layer value to return. It's just when I put it in my script that Gimp crashes.

I also was aware of the tutorial, and it is helpful in general, but doesn't help me with this function.

ages ago(permalink)

Hey Shelly and Roy, I was hitting a similar issue (I think) when I was trying to script up your "Totally Rad Imitation" a couple weeks ago.

I thought there shouldn't be much to it, but the script was not acting on the "visible" layer, so I included a bunch of "display flushes", but that really didn't do it either.

I'll post what I had written so far when I get home.

ages ago(permalink)


i was refered by from here about my question about the alternative of the syntax gimp-layer-new-from-visible.

since my programming background is very limited, could anyone kindly enough to show me how to change the gimp-layer-new-from-visible to gimp-edit-copy-visible?

i have a lot of scripts that won't run in GIMP 2.4.7 since they are using the gimp-layer-new-from-visible

thank you

ages ago(permalink)

I am trying to find a way to best do a large image gallery. I have just created a flickr account and have a public album and photostream that flickr gives you a embed for but I cant seem to make it work using the responsive embed. I am not proficient at all and have been muddling along but could use some help on this one.

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