Metopolis 1927


Top Billed Cast

Gustav Fröhlich

Freder Fredersen

Brigitte Helm

Maria / The Machine Man

Rudolf Klein-Rogge

C.A. Rotwang

Alfred Abel

Johann 'Joh' Fredersen

Theodor Loos


Fritz Rasp

The Thin Man

Erwin Biswanger

No. 11811 - Georgy


"Metropolis" (1927) is a groundbreaking silent science fiction film directed by Fritz Lang. Set in a dystopian future, the story takes place in the eponymous city, a sprawling metropolis divided into two classes: the wealthy elite who live in luxury above ground and the oppressed working class who toil in harsh conditions below ground.

The narrative centers around Freder, the privileged son of the city's ruler, who becomes fascinated by Maria, a charismatic woman from the lower depths of the city. Through his encounters with Maria and witnessing the plight of the workers, Freder becomes aware of the vast inequality and exploitation present in Metropolis.

Meanwhile, Freder's father, Joh Fredersen, the mastermind behind the city's oppressive system, enlists the help of a mad scientist named Rotwang to create a robot in the likeness of Maria. Fredersen intends to use the robot to manipulate and control the workers, inciting discord among them and preventing any potential uprising.

As tensions escalate between the ruling class and the workers, the false Maria incites chaos and violence, leading to a dramatic confrontation between the two factions. Freder, Maria, and the workers ultimately unite in a struggle for justice and equality, culminating in a powerful and visually stunning climax that explores themes of class struggle, technology, and the human spirit.

"Metropolis" is celebrated for its groundbreaking special effects, innovative cinematography, and ambitious storytelling, making it one of the most influential and enduring films in the history of cinema.


Watch: Fritz Lang's 1927 Classic 'Metropolis' Color and High Definition. in 4K Quality

It's fascinating to see how artificial intelligence is being applied to classic films like "Metropolis" to offer new perspectives and experiences to audiences. While purists may argue about the sanctity of the original black-and-white version, there's no denying the allure of seeing such a seminal work in cinema history in vibrant color and high definition.

Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" is indeed a timeless masterpiece, known for its groundbreaking visual effects and compelling narrative exploring themes of class division and the human condition. The addition of color through AI technology adds another layer of depth to the film, potentially attracting new audiences while providing existing fans with a fresh viewing experience.

The mention of George Méliès and his pioneering use of colorizing tricks highlights the longstanding tradition of experimenting with visual techniques in filmmaking. Just as Méliès pushed the boundaries of what was possible in his time, contemporary filmmakers and artists continue to explore innovative methods to reinterpret and enhance cinematic works.

The fact that "Metropolis" is still being celebrated and screened in various forms nearly a century after its original release is a testament to its enduring relevance and impact on popular culture. Whether through traditional restoration efforts or modern AI-enhanced versions, the legacy of "Metropolis" continues to captivate audiences worldwide.