five adults sitting or standing at a table looking at a computer
FLFDN is a supportive and collaborative group of faculty and educational developers who engage in conversations about teaching & learning.

Who We Are

Finger Lakes Faculty Development Network (FLFDN) is a collaborative group of faculty and educational developers coming together to exchange ideas, share best practices, and engage in community conversations about teaching and learning.  

Our members come from a variety of institutions, including private, public, 2-year, and 4-year schools, and serve in a range of positions. Simply stated, we share a passion for teaching and learning in higher education and a mission of supporting our colleagues in the classroom. 

Ithaca College 30th Ed Tech Day - Teaching & Learning Symposium

The FLFDN Steering Committee is seeking presenters who want to share innovative uses, best practices, and scholarship of new and established educational technologies as part of the Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium. 

Finger Lakes Faculty Development Network logo