About Us
Flexicoach is a web based 1/76th scale model coach travel service founded in 2018.
We operate coaches on demand between two locations.
Customers book their trip on our website and when sufficient people wish to travel, the coach operates. As an online based business we remove the expensive barrier that smaller operators have in establishing an express coach operation. These include things like ticket agents and expensive property with lots of people in places such as London.
As we aren't running to a fixed timetable, we're running when people want us to – that means our fixed costs are lower and so are the fares we charge. Coaches we hire are used for other things besides operating our services.
We also operate coaches to special events such as air festivals, music festivals and to football matches. Our very first operation was to the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford in July 2018.
We believe that there is significant untapped potential within the small operator sector of the industry to become involved using their high quality vehicles and drivers who are renowned for delivering excellent customer service. We only use well established quality operations who have spare capacity, which allows us to keep fares down.
Flexicoach is backed by two large, well established West Country based model bus fleets (Crossways and Southwestbus) who have extensive experience of providing coach services.