Skyline College Schedule Jan 13

Reset, Reconnect, & Re-Engage - Online Flex Day

Opening Plenary: A Community Conversation | 9:00 -9:50 am

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 651 746 1210

Description: Join our Skyline College Campus Leadership and community at-large for discussion and best practices for working to Reset, Reconnect, and Re-engage this Spring 2022 semester.

Coffee/Tea Break | 9:50 - 10:00 am

Morning Block 1 | 10:00 - 11:00 am | Concurrent Zoom Sessions

Panopto Basics| 10:00 - 11:00 am | Details Below

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 852 4867 9464

Facilitated by: Ricardo Flores

Panopto is a powerful, yet simple tool to use, integrated into the Canvas LMS that makes working with video easy, and it can be used for recording and sharing lectures or presentations, uploading an existing video. Panopto videos can be shared in and outside of Canvas and when viewed with the Panopto Player teachers have the ability to embed simple quizzes and use auto-captioning to enhance instructional videos. Join us for an introductory tour of Panopto. We will discuss what Panopto is and how it works in Canvas. We will practice making screen capture recordings hands-on using Panopto on Chrome web browser and the Panopto LTI in Canvas, and will spend some time answering your questions as well.

Grading...What's the Point?| 10:00 - 11:00 am | Details Below

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 853 544 56625

Facilitated by: Jessica Hurless, Lindsey Ayotte, Soledad McCarthy, and Cassidy Ryan


Many times, the grading scales and systems we design and use are largely based on our own educational experiences, but what if we had the opportunity to stop and really examine the "point" behind grading? Would we still grade the way we do? Join us for an open dialogue that seeks to answer these questions and more through the exploration and discussion of equitable grading practices.

Serving Up Student Support: Transitioning Back with the Learning Center| 10:00 - 11:00 am

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 819 7212 9172

Facilitated by: Shanna Cooper and Joshua Lindo

This workshop will focus on supporting our students as we transition back to campus and the role that Learning Center services can play to assist you and your students regardless of course modality.

Differentiated Instruction: Re-engaging with Students| 10:00 - 11:00 am |

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 659 371 4623

Facilitated by: Andrea Fuentes


Differentiated Instruction offers a path to equitable teaching and learning, by allowing student voice and choice in process, product, and content. This workshop will focus on the basics of differentiated instruction in blended, face-to-face, and online modalities.

Do Your Assignments Center Student Learning? | 10:00 - 11:00 am

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID 830 8089 5042

Facilitated by: Karen Wong & Christine Case


In addition to meeting students where they are, being a student-centered institution means equipping students with the skills to articulate what they're learning, apply their learning in authentic contexts, and make connections between their courses and the intended Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) for all Skyline College graduates.

Join us to explore models of assignments that center student learning, use a tool to review one of your own assignments, and learn about a mini-grant opportunity to pilot the assessment of this assignment using Canvas.

This workshop is an introduction to authentic assessment and aligning assessment with outcomes. Combined with other workshops in this series, it will empower you and your program to participate in the assessment of each year's featured ISLO, which will be expected of degree-bearing programs beginning in Fall 2022.

Break | 11:00 - 11:10 am

Morning Block 2 | 11:10 - 12:10 PM | Concurrent Zoom Sessions

Why uSoar? How to Support Students Engaging in Academic Research |
1:10 - 12:10 pm|

Zoom Link:

| Meeting ID: 962 2649 4118 | Passcode: 295293

Facilitated by: Chris Woo, Jennifer Merrill, Joyce Lee, Pia Walawalkar, Rachel Cunningham, Janice Sapigao

This information session will name and discuss best practices for supporting undergraduate research at Skyline College. Participants will learn how to find and engage on-campus resources, as we will discuss the role of professional staff, student organizations, the Library, administration, the Honors Transfer Program, faculty-mentors, and our campus Honors societies that have come together to form the Undergraduate Symposium of Academic Research (uSOAR). We will share information about local and regional Honors conferences. We also hope to receive feedback and information about what is needed to further support our students as they are committing to their education, answering their own research questions, and fulfilling their academic and intellectual curiosities.

Designed your Hybrid Course? Now, Let's Make It Work!| 11:10 - 12:10 pm

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 852 7433 7709

Facilitated by: Dr. Chris Collins and Dr. Bianca Rowden-Quince


For most, this is not your first time teaching, but for many this is the first time teaching in the hybrid modality. A hybrid course is much more than an online class with a weekly face-to-face session thrown in for good measure. A hybrid course provides an opportunity to intentionally design and select the best environment to facilitate course content, construct knowledge, and engage in critical thinking. In this training we discuss how to effectively facilitate a course in the hybrid format utilizing best practices and student ready strategies.

Applying for Faculty Professional Development Funding | 11:10 - 12:10 pm

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 817 3991 3907

Facilitated by: Rob Williams, Rolin Moe, & Karen Dimalanta

Join former Faculty Professional Development team as they run through the application process for Short-Term and Long-Term Projects, and Sabbaticals. Find out what makes for a strong application, see what happens to your application when you submit it, and get answers to your Faculty Professional Development-related Questions.

World of Dance U-Jam Fitness | 11:10 - 12:10 pm

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 811 4258 6174

Facilitated by: Dr. Liza Erpelo


For everyone that likes to groove. Combining the energy and grittiness of urban dance with fitness, U-Jam is a cardio dance experience that feels more like a 90's House Party than a workout. U-Jam brings funky, adrenaline-based beats from around the world with easy-to-follow choreography, so everyone, everywhere can get their Jam on.

Lunch Break | 12:15 - 12:50pm
AFT 1493 - Faculty Union Virtual Tabling

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 875 1359 6019

All faculty are invited to join AFT representatives for a casual, virtual lunch to ask questions, share concerns, and connect with colleagues as we begin the Spring semester. Join us whenever you are free for lunch:

Please email Marianne at with questions in advance of the lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Afternoon Block | Open House Session - People’s College Initiative (PCI) Task Groups

1:00 - 3:00 PM | Online

The key to transforming our climate into a healthy college learning environment and workplace experience is democratizing our institution and developing a civic mindset for our students. In order to move the People’s College Initiative forward, our College Governance Council authorized the formation of four task groups representing the four focal points of the initiative. Input from the whole college community is needed. Join us on Flex Day for the inaugural discussion and ideation of the four PCI Task groups: antiracism, climate review, civic mindset, and participatory governance. Let your voice be heard! Learn more about the PCI.

Antiracism and Equity Task Group| 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Online

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 873 0519 7940

Description: Join us on Flex Day for the inaugural discussion and ideation of the Antiracism PCI Task group. Let your voice be heard! Learn more about the PCI. Each Task Group will be coordinated by a Cabinet member who will facilitate the discussions, collect feedback, move agendas forward, and schedule subsequent sessions.

Task group goal: Create an antiracist and equitable culture that embraces campus-wide training, practice, and action toward becoming an antiracist college.

Task Group Facilitators:
Newin Orante and O’KenZoe Selassie-Okpe

Climate Review Task Group| 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Online

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 819 6003 8344

Join us on Flex Day for the inaugural discussion and ideation of the Climate Review PCI Task group. Let your voice be heard! Learn more about the PCI. Each Task Group will be coordinated by a Cabinet member who will facilitate the discussions, collect feedback, move agendas forward, and schedule subsequent sessions.

Task group goal:
Engage in regular and iterative climate reviews in order to measure our transformation to becoming a healthy campus. Create a strategic approach for improvement based on climate review results.

Task Group Facilitator:
Ingrid Vargas

Civic Mindset Task Group| 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Online

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 659 371 4623

Join us on Flex Day for the inaugural discussion and ideation of the Civic Mindset PCI Task group. Let your voice be heard! Learn more about the PCI. Each Task Group will be coordinated by a Cabinet member who will facilitate the discussions, collect feedback, move agendas forward, and schedule subsequent sessions.

Task group goal:
Contextualize a civic mindset across the institution, with a focus on graduating students with self-advocacy skills, with a true understanding of democratic principles as the foundation of our country, and with an appreciation for the importance of civic engagement and social justice activism to effect transformative change.

Task Group Facilitator:
Danni Redding-Lapuz

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Participatory Governance Task Group| 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Online

Zoom Link: | Meeting ID: 862 2572 1361

Join us on Flex Day for the inaugural discussion and ideation of the Participatory Governance PCI Task group. Let your voice be heard! Learn more about the PCI. Each Task Group will be coordinated by a Cabinet member who will facilitate the discussions, collect feedback, move agendas forward, and schedule subsequent sessions.

Task group goal:
Create a healthy college learning environment and workplace experience through a robust & transparent participatory governance process that people understand, trust, and believe in.

Task Group Facilitator:
Cherie Colin & Dr. Melissa Moreno

Build Your Own On-Demand PD | 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Online

Attendance Mode: Online Asynchronous | Details Below

Did you know the VRC has over 8000 learning objects available from providers such as LinkdIn Learning, CCC Chancellor's Office, Skillsoft, and Skyline CTTL among others?

You can search trainings and filter by topic, provider, duration, and type! Choose your own and go your own pace.

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