Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend Flex Day?

All Skyline College employees are welcome to register and attend. This includes faculty, classified staff, and administrators.

How do I register?

  1. In a new tab or browser window, log into the SMCCCD Portal with your SMCCCD credentials and click the Vision Resource Center tile. (Do not skip Step 1)

  2. On the schedule page, review the list of workshops and select ONE workshop for each Block.

  3. Click the "Register" button next to each workshop you plan to attend.

  4. When you click on the "Register" button, you will be directed to the VRC page with a calendar of events for the day showing the Flex Day workshops (you may have to sign into the SMCCD portal if you skipped Step 1- use the same login as your email).

  5. Select each workshop your wish to attend. Choose the red "Request" button for each workshop.

  6. After you register for each workshop, you should receive a confirmation email from the Vision Resource Center with an Outlook invitation for that time. If you don't see the confirmation in your inbox, check your Junk folder. You can also look at your VRC Transcript to verify which workshops you have added.

  7. If you change your mind and want to select a different workshop, that's totally fine. Just go to your Transcript in the VRC and, next to the workshop you no longer wish to attend, just select "Withdraw."

  8. You can find all the Zoom links and locations here on the schedule page on the day of the event or before.

Will I also need to log into Zoom for the online sessions?

Yes. All Zoom links will require you to AUTHENTICATE with your name and SMCCD.EDU credentials. This allows us to verify that attendees are Skyline College employees and give credit for the workshop.

I didn't get a Zoom link. How will I log in to an online workshop on the day of the event?

Zoom links are posted on this website in the Schedule pages.

None of these workshops interest me.

We are sorry to hear that! Please suggest a list of workshop topics that you would attend by emailing us at

Other Questions?

For questions and help with technical issues the day of the event, email

Skyline College Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning