How Can I Help?

If you are interested in helping out with any of the programs listed below...

Want to work with kids ages preschool - 4th grade?

Want to work with kids ages 5th - 12th grade?

Want to help FLC make decisions and guide programming for all our Children, Youth, and Family needs?

Gathering Help for the 2023-24 school year!

sun school Teachers & Subs

Preschool through 4th grades

wnf Teacher, Sub, & helpers

5th & 6th grades

Confirmation small group leader

for 7th, 8th or 9th grades

Sr High Youth group Helpers

for 9th-12th graders

Ministry Scheduler Pro is a new program that the church has purchased. It allows you to sign up for volunteer opportunities, specify the times that do and do not work well for you to serve, check your schedule from anywhere and easily request a substitute when you can't make it.  Email any questions to Jill Blanchette.