Video Game Design

Today we will be making some video games! We'll be using a tool called MakeCode (by Microsoft). 

We'll talk a bit about game design and look briefly at MakeCode. Then, we'll explore making different games. There are four tutorials for you to follow, and depending on your comfort level.

You can access the tool here:

This is the skill map that has the tutorials for you. You can choose to do one (or all) of them:



We will totally be available to help! Ask us if you have any questions!

Want more fun?

This video walks you through the process of changing a photo into a sprite!

Want to make a Marble Drop type of game? This video tutorial will walk you through the process - starting from scratch!

Want to make a dungeon crawler? The first video will walk you through the process of making a dungeon crawler with two different maps. The second video adds friends and foes to the game.