

Economics of Tourism Networks and Services M.Sc. in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems. University of Bergamo

Tourism and Hospitality Economics M.Sc. in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems. University of Bergamo

Fundamentals of Economics B.Sc. in Cultural tourism. University of Bergamo

Previous years

  • Adjunct Professor of Fundamentals of Economics M.Sc. in Modern Languages for International Communication and Cooperation. Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergamo

  • Adjunct Professor of Economics MBA in education, training and work systems. SdM – School of Management, University of Bergamo

Teaching Assistant

2018-2021 RealEstateEconomics

2017-2021 Network and Services Economics

2017-2019 Advanced Microeconomics

2017-2019 Industrial Organization

2016-2018 Business Organization

2014-2018 Corporate Finance

2017-2019 Industrial Organization