Backpacker for Life

Backpackers for Life not only use amazing tools like Google Maps and virtual field trips, they create these experiences for themselves!

Much like in Bloom's Taxonomy, for me, the next part of making connections is to create as opposed to just consuming. Consider some of these activities.

Create 360 Degree Spheres

Have your students create 360 spheres of your local neighborhood or on a field trip. Use the Google Street View Map to take the photos and upload them.

Live Walking Tour

Use Skype, Google Hangouts, or Facetime on a phone to show another class your neighborhood. Before you go, do research and map out some interesting points.

Problem Solving

If your students are trying to solve a problem, i.e. build a bridge, fundraise for a cause, write a memoir, as a class, connect with people on Twitter and have them give guidance to your students.