I am totally confident that the Adobe Captivate team will be ready when Flash player is removed, have more concerns about companies realizing too late that old courses are no longer playing as expected. I hope you did read this article by Akshay Bharadwaj:

In the Captivate environment at this moment for normal projects, several Preview methods do use a temporary generated SWF. Probably in a near future this will no longer be the case. Already for responsive projects none of the Preview methods need Flash player, so you shouldn't worry about that. Publishing to exe or to interactive pdf needs Flash as well, have no idea if there will be a replacement or not.

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Wanted to add another comment, because there is a lot of misunderstanding about 'Flash will be or is dead', which is not correct. Flash player will be EOL, but Flash itself is very much alive, probably the most important tool for gaming and interactive animtations. The name 'Flash Builder', because of the negative 'sound' since that fruilt company condemned it, has been replaced by Animate CC. You can create Flash output and HTML5 output with Animate CC. Look at this poster:

I'm trying to add an URL to allow flash player plugin to work as one of the testing site relies on it. I've tried scripting this and does write it in the plist but doesn't reflect on chrome. I did see the configuration profile method but rather not use that as I've seen inconsistency in the past.

Hi mbrubeck - I know that HTML5 is supposed to be the way forward, but I'd like to echo brysil's thoughts. Android is becoming hugely popular and there's many web sites that will still use flash for their content for the next few years. Most of the sites I visit, for my job and for pleasure, use flash. Though the browser that comes with android already supports flash, I'd REALLY like to use Firefox as the snyc is great and it would make life so much easier. If you guys would pursue getting a flash plug-in, I think Firefox would soon become THE browser for Android.

Awe man, I was so excited when I discovered my favorite desktop browser was available for Android. My first thought was replacing Dolphin HD which I love but it is a bit slow. But with no Flash then it is almost no use for me. I guess I will stick with Dolphin as my default and the stock browser (both of which support flash on my EVO) for its quickness until Firefox gets a Flash plugin ready.

Very disappointing, I was set to make Firefox my default browser until I discovered that it does not support flash. I guess I will have to go back to Dolphin which does support it. You need to fix this quickly as there are still too many sites using Flash. Support for Flash was one of the reasons I did not opt for an iPhone and chose Android instead when I left Windows Mobile.

very very disappointing.... I think no one will use it if it does not support flash. Mozilla firefox is a very popular browser in PC but it is quite embarrassing the Android version lacks the Flash Supprt. Uninstalling it now.

I really don't mind not having flash on my mobile phone. I mean what's so bad about having to play videos in the youtube app. And then who needs flash games when we have the whole android market. As controlling as apple and wp7 are, they had a good reason for keeping flash off of their phones. It just makes everything laggy, and who wants those flash ads anyway?

very disappointing mozilla! I really love using firefox on my pc and mac and was excited to use it on my htc evo. i honestly might go back to using my native browser because it has flash capabilities. hello, how do you expect me to piss off all my buddies using iphones if I can't bring up a flash website? ;-)

It is now 7 Jan 2012 and STILL flash does not work on Firefox in Android!!!! Using Opera a lot now and going to check out DolphinFirfox has gone steeply downhill recently in other areas too - Bye Firefox.

A year ago it was Firefox 4 and they were 'working'on a flash solution. It is now Firefox 11 or so, a year later and still no Flash.I understand that there are security concerns with Flash but other browsers seem to cope so why not Firefox. If there are indeed security problems, then is not a company as big as Adobe not busy fixing them?17 Feb 2012

Another update: Currently flash may be blocked if it doesn't show as having the right version - e.g. for me on Firefox it shows as in Firefox (And blocks it) but the package has installed (the flash lib binary shows also 11_2_202_577, so something's broke). Basically it is up to date if it matches the version here.

Several serious security vulnerabilities were found in Adobe's flash plugin with exploits known to be in the wild. Because of the critical nature of the vulnerabilities, the Mozilla foundation decided to block this version of the plugin. Unfortunately, at the time of the blocklist, only the PPAPI version of the plugin (as used by chromium) was available and Firefox users found the NPAPI plugin was blocked via Firefox's click-through security mechanism.

The flash plugin in general is very insecure and should be replaced - apparently Adobe and others should be reducing the use of Flash to replace it with HTML5, WebGL and other open standards. One of the reasons (other than they couldn't be asked...) that the Linux version of Flash is stuck at 11.2 (the version for linux gets security backports for 5 years from release) is due to the supposed roadmap with which Adobe will remove Flash support globally (supposedly).

I noticed that all versions of adobe flash (current version on all operating systems) is blocked now from automatically running.what I did is with firefox closed, open up the home foldier, show hidden files then go to .mozilla/firefox/*.default and edit the pluginreg.dat file search for your version (mine was located under the entry /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so:$ in the file)I changed the 11 to 19 and no more annoying message from firefox.now firefox thinks my version is

You will learn how to enable and disable your flash player in your website. The process for enabling or disabling them will vary depending on the browser you are using since cookies are maintained by your web browser.

We are very grateful for all of you who have helped us develop this website, and thank you to all of our supporters for contributing to enableflashplayer.com and keeping the service 100% free forever!

Basically just open the page in your browser. Even if it doesn't play the flash content anymore, it might allow you to download it as a new .sfw file to your desktop. Sfw files you can play with a Flash player emulator.

It's possible that the player is generic, and the file/stream it is playing is being passed in as a param. Grep the webpage source code for "embed"/"swf" or text that's near the flash object on the page. Then look at the contents of "param name"/"param value"

In Windows, Internet Download Manager is able to sniff such streams and capture them. Again, I find it easier to use in combination with a Firefox addon, FlashGot, but IDM can also be used alone with any browser. When ready to get the video, IDM displays the URL:

But Microsoft plans to completely remove Flash from the system in the future ( -us/topic/update-for-the-removal-of-adobe-flash-player-october-27-2020-931521b9 -075a-ce54-b9af-ff3d5da047d5), so it is not known how long this solution will take.

I suspect that this is some weird problem with flash player in chrome so I added html5: true to options. I am using Chrome version 50.0.x.

When I added html5 option, player was no longer loading with this error in console.

Another weird thing is that flash player is working in Safari and seek is working as expected. Even html5 player is loading (probably because Safari is not strict with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header), but error is shown in console.

I created simple plnkr with seek flash player bug/problem.

When you press seek button you will see difference between time you want to seek to and time player actually seeks to.

Any idea why is player not seeking to exact time I pass to him?

Flash was originally designed for desktop computers, and even if you manage to play a Flash movie on your smartphone, be ready to face some huge drawbacks. .SWF files are large and difficult to download, and they eat up your phone memory and drain the battery. Memory leaks cause crashes of Flash Player, web browsers, and even unrelated apps whose only fault is being stripped of memory by the insatiable Flash Player.

Back in September last year I wrote a blog entry on Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Information, using Flash on the Stage. The reason that I wanted the full flash player (rather than the Mozilla Firefox browser plug-in), is that I wanted to run some flash animations for a theatre show.

Firstly I'd already added some additional repositories to the Ubuntu software repository list earlier blog entry on installing software on Ubuntu Linux. I'm not sure if this is a requirement for the following steps or not

Unfortunately this player doesn't actually meet my requirements. It works with all of the flash files I created for the last show, but I've created a new autocue application in Macromedia Flash 8 (part of the Macromedia Studio 8) which some actionscript 2.0. Unfortunately even after exporting as player 6 format it doesn't work properly. Although it can load and view the songs, it doesn't support the Style Sheet formatting used to make the text the correct size and colour.

It should be possible to use the flash player for the actual show swf files, but the autocue can only work using the plug-in browser in Mozilla Firefox (which is at version 7), installed as per: earlier blog entry on installing software on Ubuntu Linux. Fortunately the autocue is only used during the rehearsals or behind the scenes and so using Firefox in full screen mode only a single line shows above the actual flash presentation. 0852c4b9a8

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