Just The Basics

Ticker: FlapX

Algo: Scrypt

Block-time Target: 1min

Reward Type: POW/POS FW2

POW Reward:  22 Coins + Fees

100k Coin Fair Weight 2 POS Node

5-22% Apr (FW2)

RPC = 60142

Peer = 60042


Withdraws Open @ Xeggex Please pull off your coins until they announce if they are going to remain open


Blockchain Resources


Beyond The Basics 

PIR & Fair Weight Explained 

Fair Weight for FLAPX is set to 100,000 coins. 

Input Weight Cap

Coins Per Input

This mechanism guarantees that if User(A) has a block of 1,000,000 coins, and User(B) has a block of 100,000 coins, and both user's coins are the same age, both users have the same chance of staking a POS reward .

Both blocks will only gain a max staking weight of 100,000 coins per additional block. This is an anti-competitive staking measure. If you have a block of 100,000 coins, you have an equal, or fair chance to stake a POS reward.

Fair Weight determines your chances to stake, not the amount of coins rewarded.

Personal Intrest Percentage

Coins Per Input

Fair Weight 2 (FW2)  also known as your PIR (Personal interest rate) Is the mechanism that determines how much your reward will be.