The Golden Castle was a fabled castle in the Middle Kingdom that held millions upon millions of gold, precious jewels, gold sculptures, and a legendary sword.[1] Two conditions must be met to find the Golden Castle; ownership of the Golden Medallion, and knowledge of the approximate location.

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After crossing the sea, Tyris gets in close vicinity of the castle but sees it is heavily guarded by Death Adder's minions. She crosses the Fiend's Path, which turned out to be a giant eagle that took Tyris across the skies to Death Adder's castle where the final battle begun. After a long and hard battle and even though Death Adder was wielding the legendary Golden Axe, Tyris was victorious and saved the king and his daughter, bringing peace to the land.

Beware though: if the legends are bogus and the city of Ghent simply had the dragon manufactured, it does spit fire, but only for big occasions! It started in 1500 during the baptism of the Ghent-born Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, then in 1626 for the birth of a princess, later in 1700 when Philip V ascended the throne of Spain that was controlling the region, and in 1819 when the king of the Netherlands William II visited. Recently, in 2018 the dragon spat fire again to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Gentse Feesten (a popular summer festival in Ghent).

The dragons fighting in the desert had ended up inside the desert palace and had eventually flown away, and afterwards, more dragons had arrived at the palace, including Burn. Meanwhile, the key to Sky's chains were still outside the palace with Sandstorm's corpse, and Wren tries to pick the lock, but to no avail. Eventually, Sky suggests asking the human who lived in the palace, Rose, for help. Wren finds her when as she tries to climb the giant wall from the courtyard, and asks what the dragons were fighting over earlier. Rose replies that she think they came to get this one prisoner (Sunny) and that another prisoner left too (Scarlet). Wren then tells Rose she is trying to get the key with Sandstorm, and Rose tells her that her dragon (Smolder) had a copy of all the keys in the castle, and offers to get it from him. Wren then calls Smolder by his name, and Rose finds out that Wren can speak Dragon. In exchange for the key, Rose asks Wren to teach her how to speak Dragon, and Wren reluctantly agrees.

Wren, Cranberry, Thyme, Leaf, Ivy, and Sky then arrive at Tailsman, where the entire town was celebrating Dragonmancer Appreciation Day. Wren and Sky land into the town square, horrifying the townspeople and the dragonmancers. Leaf and Ivy move around the outskirts of the village and climb to the roof of the jail. Wren exposes the dragonmancers being treasure smugglers, the fact that their visions are fake, and that they sacrificed the fourth dragonmancer to the dragons to increase their share of stolen treasure. Crow tries to deny it, but backs down quickly after Sky snarls at him. Leaf notes that it is the most ferocious look he has ever seen on Sky, knowing that he is genuinely furious. Trout also attempts to discredit Wren, calling it the "mad ramblings of a bitter teenager," but Wren is quick to threaten him with Sky, and says that she will be happy to show everyone the treasure-share logbook they were using. After Sky growls at them again, Gorge tosses the keys to Wren and she give it to Cranberry, who unlocks the door before throwing them up to Leaf, where he also unlocks the jail and frees Rowan and Grove. Cranberry then emerges from the house with the logbook in hand, giving it to Wren, where Wren reads and explains its contents to the entire village. After reading the last book, Wren says that she does not care what happens to the dragonmancers, but she threatens to burn down the village and take the children somewhere safe if any more of the kids go missing. She then gives the book to Butterfly and puts him in charge, having had enough of Talisman. As the group was about to leave, Leaf and Wren's parents try to talk to them, but Wren tells them off and the others ignore them. The group moves away from Talisman and stop by the river a while later. Grove wonders what they were all going to do now. Leaf and Wren propose that they would build a town where people that had their villages burned down would be welcomed and be protected. Ivy also says they can tell them that they can communicate with dragons and that there's hope for peace. Cranberry and Rowan agree to the idea, although Rowan wonders whether Leaf, Wren, and Ivy would help build it with them. Wren and Leaf say that they will help when they come back after they try out a new idea for their destiny. Ivy adds that they "have a little golden dragon to find."

What god is that who falls before pikes and spears!Here is another god, his face and hands stained withvermilion, after the manner of the Capitoline Jupiter.His car is of ivory and gold, green plumes nodover the heads of his horses, the military braceletson his arms seem like circling serpents of bitter flame.The milk-white horses draw him slowly to the Capitol,step by step, along the Via Triumphalis, and step bystep the old golden horses on the Arch of Nero treaddown the hours of the lapsing day.

Gold! Gold! Walls and columns covered withgold. Domes of churches resplendent with gold.Innumerable statues of "bronze fairer than puregold," and courts paved with golden tiles. Beyondthe white and rose-coloured walls of Saint Sophia,the city rounds for fourteen great miles; fourteenmiles of onychite, and porphyry, and marble; fourteenmiles of colonnades, and baths, and porticoes;fourteen miles of gay, garish, gaudy, glaring gold.Why, even the Imperial triremes in the harbour havegold embroidered gonfalons, and the dolphins,ruffling out of the water between them, catch the colourand dive, each a sharp cutting disk-edge of yellowflame.

From June until September, the fracas goes on.The chanting of masses, the shouting of battlesongs, sweep antiphonally over Constantinople. Theyblend and blur, but what is that light tinkling?Tambourines? What is that snapping? Castanets?What is that yellow light in the direction of theSaracen mosque? My God! Fire! Gold of metals,you have met your king. Ringed and crowned, hetakes his place in the jewelled city. Gold of firemounted upon all the lesser golds. The twin tonguesof flame flaunt above the housetops. Banners ofscarlet, spears of saffron, spikes of rose and meltedorange. What are the little flags of the Crusadersto these! They clamoured for pay and won theelements. Over the Peninsula of Marmora itcomes. The whips of its fire-thongs lash the golden city.A conflagration half a league wide. Magnificentchurches, splendid palaces, great commercial streets,are burning. Golden domes melt and liquefy, andpeople flee from the dripping of them. Lakes ofgold lie upon the pavements; pillars crack andtumble, making dams and bridges over the hot gold.Two days, two nights, the fire rages, and throughthe roar of it the little cries of frightened birds comethin and pitiful. Earth pleading with fire. Earthbegging quarter of the awful majesty of fire. Thebirds wheel over Constantinople; they perch uponthe cool bronze horses standing above theHippodrome. The quiet horses who wait and advance.This is not their fire, they trample on the luminousnessof flames, their strong hind legs plant themfirmly on the marble coping. They watch the fallingof the fire, they gaze upon the ruins spread aboutthem, and the pungence of charred wood brushesalong their tarnished sides like wind. 2351a5e196

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