Federated Learning Tutorial


Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (e.g. mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g. service provider), while keeping the training data decentralized. Similarly, federated analytics (FA) allows data scientists to generate analytical insight from the combined information in distributed datasets without requiring data centralization. Federated approaches embody the principles of focused data collection and minimization, and can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized machine learning and data science approaches. Motivated by the explosive growth in federated learning and analytics research, this tutorial will provide a gentle introduction to the area. The focus will be on cross-device federated learning, including deep dives on federated optimization and differentially privacy, but federated analytics and cross-silo federated learning will also be discussed. In addition to optimization and privacy, we will also introduce personalization, robustness, fairness, and systems challenges in the federated setting with an emphasis on open problems.


Our primary objective is to highlight to attendees the recent advances in FL and the huge intersection between FL and the research interests represented by NeurIPS attendees. We want to demonstrate that FL research is widely interdisciplinary, approachable, and contains many critical problems that would benefit greatly from the expertise of conference attendees. By the end of the tutorial, the attendees will be able to:

  1. Compare the difference between various distributed machine learning and federated learning paradigms, and understand the defining characteristics of each one of them.

  2. Understand the unique capabilities, constraints, and challenges facing FL and FA.

  3. Identify high impact open problems facing FL and FA.

  4. Design methods to improve optimization, privacy, robustness, and fairness properties of federated systems.

  5. Describe the complex tensions and interplay between data heterogeneity, optimization accuracy, robustness, privacy, and fairness.

  6. Apply privacy-preserving technologies (such as data minimization, differential privacy, and secure aggregation) to distributed optimization and machine learning.


Peter Kairouz

Peter Kairouz is a research scientist at Google, where he focuses on federated learning research and privacy-preserving technologies. Before joining Google, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He is the recipient of the 2012 Roberto Padovani Scholarship from Qualcomm's Research Center, the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS Best Paper Award, the 2015 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalist Award, and the 2016 Harold L. Olesen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching from UIUC.

Brendan McMahan

Brendan McMahan is a research scientist at Google, where he leads efforts on decentralized and privacy-preserving machine learning. His team pioneered the concept of federated learning, and continues to push the boundaries of what is possible when working with decentralized data using privacy-preserving techniques. Previously, he has worked in the fields of online learning, large-scale convex optimization, and reinforcement learning. Brendan received his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.

Virginia Smith

Virginia Smith is an assistant professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests span machine learning, optimization, and computer systems. Virginia is one of the founders of MLSys, a conference that brings together machine learning and systems researchers; she was Program Chair in 2019 and currently serves on the conference board. Her work has been recognized in industry via a Facebook Faculty Award, Google Faculty Award, and MLconf Industry Impact Award. Prior to CMU, Virginia was a postdoc at Stanford University, and received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley.