Note: If you visit this page on a Mac, you will see the key bindings for the Mac. If you visit using Windows or Linux, you will see the keys for that platform. If you need the key bindings for another platform, hover your mouse over the key you are interested in.

Most importantly, you can see keybindings according to your keyboard layout. For example, key binding Cmd+\ in US keyboard layout will be shown as Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Cmd+7 when layout is changed to German. The dialog to enter key binding will assign the correct and desired key binding as per your keyboard layout.

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You can quickly customize the keybinding for user interface actions. Right-click on any action item in your workbench, and select Customize Keybinding. If the action has a when clause, it's automatically included, making it easier to set up your keybindings just the way you need them.

Keyboard shortcuts are vital to productivity and changing keyboarding habits can be tough. To help with this, File > Preferences > Migrate Keyboard Shortcuts from... shows you a list of popular keymap extensions. These extensions modify the VS Code shortcuts to match those of other editors so you don't need to learn new keyboard shortcuts. There is also a Keymaps category of extensions in the Marketplace.

We also have a printable version of these keyboard shortcuts. Help > Keyboard Shortcut Reference displays a condensed PDF version suitable for printing as an easy reference.

If you have many extensions installed or you have customized your keyboard shortcuts, you can sometimes have keybinding conflicts where the same keyboard shortcut is mapped to several commands. This can result in confusing behavior, especially if different keybindings are going in and out of scope as you move around the editor.

To troubleshoot keybindings problems, you can execute the command Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting. This will activate logging of dispatched keyboard shortcuts and will open an output panel with the corresponding log file.

The first keydown event is for the MetaLeft key (cmd) and cannot be dispatched. The second keydown event is for the Slash key (/) and is dispatched as meta+[Slash]. There were two keybinding entries mapped from meta+[Slash] and the one that matched was for the command editor.action.commentLine, which has the when condition editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly and is a built-in keybinding entry.

The additional keybindings.json rules are appended at runtime to the bottom of the default rules, thus allowing them to overwrite the default rules. The keybindings.json file is watched by VS Code so editing it while VS Code is running will update the rules at runtime.

Note that commands run by runCommands receive the value of "args" as the first argument. So in the example above, workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile receives {"languageId": "typescript" } as its first and only argument.

You can write a key binding rule that targets the removal of a specific default key binding. With the keybindings.json, it was always possible to redefine all the key bindings of VS Code, but it can be difficult to make a small tweak, especially around overloaded keys, such as Tab or Escape. To remove a specific key binding, add a - to the command and the rule will be a removal rule.

Different keyboard layouts usually reposition the above virtual keys or change the characters produced when they are pressed. When using a different keyboard layout than the standard US, Visual Studio Code does the following:

When editing keybindings.json, VS Code highlights misleading key bindings, those that are represented in the file with the character produced under the standard US keyboard layout, but that need pressing keys with different labels under the current system's keyboard layout. For example, here is how the Default Keyboard Shortcuts rules look like when using a French (France) keyboard layout:

Note: On Linux, Visual Studio Code detects your current keyboard layout on start-up and then caches this information. For a good experience, we recommend restarting VS Code if you change your keyboard layout.

VS Code gives you fine control over when your key bindings are enabled through the optional when clause. If your key binding doesn't have a when clause, the key binding is globally available at all times. A when clause evaluates to either Boolean true or false for enabling key bindings.

VS Code sets various context keys and specific values depending on what elements are visible and active in the VS Code UI. For example, the built-in Start Debugging command has the keyboard shortcut F5, which is only enabled when there is an appropriate debugger available (context debuggersAvailable is true) and the editor isn't in debug mode (context inDebugMode is false):

The list there isn't exhaustive and you can find other when clause contexts by searching and filtering in the Keyboard Shortcuts editor (Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts ) or reviewing the Default Keybindings JSON file (Preferences: Open Default Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)).

The editor.action.codeAction command lets you configure keybindings for specific Refactorings (Code Actions). For example, the keybinding below triggers the Extract function refactoring Code Actions:

In the Keyboard Shortcut editor, you can filter on specific keystrokes to see which commands are bound to which keys. Below you can see that Ctrl+Shift+P is bound to Show All Commands to bring up the Command Palette.

Hi Margus Enno,


 In this case perhaps you have some other software running in the background that is overriding the Studio keyboard shortcuts? I googled this a little and found this can happen occasionally... Adobe Reader causing windows keyboard shortcuts to fail for example. I do think the source of your problem is somewhere outside of Studio.


 Can you try disabling other applications that are running in the background while you work?





Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that offer a faster alternative to performing tasks typically done with a mouse. If you are trying to take a screenshot or screengrab, see How to take and annotate screenshots.

The "Windows key," when used with other keys, enables you to execute numerous handy tasks such as launching Settings, File Explorer, the Run command, and apps pinned to the Taskbar, as well as open specific features like Narrator or Magnifier. Additionally, you can manage windows and virtual desktops, take screenshots, lock the computer, and more.

You can identify keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio commands, customize those shortcuts, and export them for others to use. Many shortcuts always invoke the same commands, but the behavior of a shortcut might vary based on the following conditions:

Which context you're in when you choose the shortcut. For example, the F2 shortcut invokes the Edit.EditCell command if you're using the Settings Designer, and it invokes the File.Rename command if you're using Solution Explorer.

Regardless of settings, customization, and context, you can always find and change a keyboard shortcut in the Options dialog box. You can also look up the default keyboard shortcuts for several dozen commands in Popular keyboard shortcuts. For a complete list of all the shortcuts and their commands, see Keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio.

If a shortcut is assigned to a command in the Global context and no other contexts, that shortcut will always invoke that command. But a shortcut can be assigned to one command in the Global context and a different command in a specific context. If you use such a shortcut when you're in the specific context, the shortcut invokes the command for the specific context, not the Global context. For a complete list of all default shortcuts, see Global shortcuts.

Your settings and edition of Visual Studio might change the names and locations of menu commands and the options that appear in dialog boxes. This page is based on the General development settings profile.

For example, you can choose Global if you want the shortcut to work in all contexts. You can use any shortcut that isn't mapped (as Global) in another editor. Otherwise, the editor overrides the shortcut.

If a shortcut is already assigned to another command, it appears in the Shortcut currently used by box. In that case, choose the Backspace key to delete that shortcut you entered before you try a different one.

In the What do you want to name your settings file and Store my settings file in this directory boxes, either leave the default values or specify different values, and then choose Finish.

For Visual Studio 2022, the 1x.0_xxxxxxxx folder would start with the numerals 17.0 followed by a set of alphanumeric characters that are specific to your installation. Similarly, for Visual Studio 2019, the folder would start with the numerals 16.0.

The most frustration thing a developer can experience is keyboard shortcuts changing. This happened to me recently when the Ctrl+space shortcut started auto inserting a member instead of showing the List Members box.

Here is how I fixed it.

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